Reviews for Night in the Asylum
BlueDiamondStar chapter 1 . 8/26/2018
Holy pancake I swear I went to another world until the last line. I'm actually hiding the lone tear that made escape from the corner of my eye from my coworkers because they would never understand even if they shed a tear at the movies.
But trust me when I say this was a powerful one.
And also I was kinda planning out something really dark for Tony one day but my plot bunny stole that and I ended up completely different road borrowing another Avenger for that but I still have plans for darkness upon Tony. Your little something might trigger a whole new something that will find a song to settle with one day there might things happen
skigirl51 chapter 1 . 6/15/2018
actually crying this is so sad amazing fanfic
Guest chapter 1 . 5/17/2016
Hey, I just wanted to let you know I was very impressed with your writing. Oftentimes, writers will be too descriptive or have too much dialogue or inner monologues. This story, however, was very balanced. Keep up the good work, cheers!
Kayleigh1789 chapter 1 . 8/4/2015
I didn't even know that I was crying until I read the note out loud to myself. Well done.
Blackwolf-20 chapter 1 . 7/6/2015
I feel I've completely missed the note where this was stated as a dark fic. I mean I knew it was a dark matter here, but it fell to the darkest subject in the end. When it was mentioned that Steve visited for six months, I was expecting that Steve had somehow decided to stop visiting after that point and not because of Tony's end. It's hard to imagine Tony in such a state. As I read, I was expecting to discover that Tony might have been set up or poisoned to be crazy and not that he really was, which makes it all the more sad. I'm usually more of a fan of the Tony and Bruce friendship as opposed to Steve who I haven't given much thought over, but I loved his character here. I just feel for him as much as I felt for Tony and that is strong writing there. Certain lines, took me, like Tony saying he didn't make the voices go away, or that killing himself was the only thing he knew how to do. The latter really got me, considering Tony's such a genius engineer. Now I'm wanting you to write a sequel in which this story turned out to be some horrible nightmare. Despite Tony's message in the end, it's still so so sad.
Though this got tougher to read, I think it would be interesting to see another dark fic with the Avengers with other characters. Perhaps touching on a subject no one's dealt with before in a dark Avengers fic. Maybe one with Tony and Bruce as they are my fave. But Steve and Tony were my fave here. I like the simplicity of the fact that all Tony wanted was a friend.
Red chapter 1 . 5/27/2015
Death.Emerald.77 chapter 1 . 1/30/2015
omg im crying now!
love it!
loweloki chapter 1 . 9/22/2014
All I can say is I been in a mental institution and working in a state mental hospital things that happen here are really rare to happen. If we give them razors we stand by their sides so they can't do anything with them, they are never alone with them, we check their mouths to make sure they swallow so they can not hoard the meds if they are suicidal they do not get anything but a bed, no sheets no nothing so they can not hurt themselves, if they stop eating we can have feeding tubes hooked up so they do not starve
thatcrazyjellyfish chapter 1 . 8/28/2014
Gosh woe made be year up super sad but written extremely well lived it
Lord Rebecca-sama chapter 1 . 8/26/2014
i'm pretty sure that this might be the first fanfiction that I actually cried to. others made me sad and almost cry, but this one, i actually had tears in my eyes. really good job. D':
Kat A. Coop chapter 1 . 8/7/2014
Ahhhhhhhhh, I'm tearing up here.
It was so good!
Beakers47 chapter 1 . 8/1/2014
I normally don't review but this time I just couldn't not review this story. I have read hundreds of fan fictions but not one had managed to give me this many feels. I applaud you for writing this so well. It really makes me rethink friendships. It was great to understand even the greatest can break. Thank you for writing this I enjoyed it greatly keep on writing :)
ImmortalRose123 chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
Wow, I'm at a lost for words.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/17/2014
I'm actually crying righg now. Thanks a lot.
Steve'sGirl0829 chapter 1 . 6/13/2014
What have u done to me! I'm a sobbing mess and my heart is literally broken to pieces! :( I opened this story with a smile on my face expecting it to be a happy story and I leave it with a broken heart and tears practically making a river down my face! This story is so excellent and I want to love it, but I can't! I hate it because of what's it done to me. U are absolutely an AMAZING writer and I have a bitter sweet relationship with this story. Even though it made me a sobbing lunatic, u have to write more stories like this! They are SOOOO good. (even if they made me sad) Excellent writing! this story, both, made and ruined my day. Much LOVE!
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