Reviews for Another Night In A Cottage - The Importance of Bliss
chakochick chapter 1 . 1/18/2016
Lovely story!
Skeeter0003 chapter 1 . 1/1/2016
Beautiful! Love it!
kb chapter 1 . 8/6/2015
This is brilliant writing. All of it. Especially the bit about the different, younger version of him. Amazing.
Latitude24 chapter 1 . 3/28/2014
Oh. My. That was exquisite. From Bates explaining his responsibilities as Anna's husband, to his tenderness, to his persistence. The descriptions are beautiful: "You're still trembling here. Like a little colt." and "I can tend this little pearl." Perfect.
It makes sense that he would be more worldly about sex and philosophy, after his experiences. I love this story!
JamesLuver chapter 1 . 5/8/2013
Just when I think that your smut can't possibly get any better, you go and surprise me in the most wonderful of ways. This is absolutely incredible. It's easily my favourite M-rated A/B piece. I loved each and every sentence in this, from the beginning to the end. I don't think I'll ever be able to articulate just how incredible I thought this was, but I'll try.

I loved the idea of Anna having a place inside herself with no expectations. It makes perfect sense for her to have something like that - there would have been moments during John's imprisonment where she'd thought that she would never get him free, and so I liked the fact that you acknowledged that here. And it's good to see her resolution to destroy that place, because she's got everything she's ever wanted now.

I loved the interactions between Anna and John, starting with their "early start" conversation, and how well they can read and understand each other. Also, the conversation about the herbs and the garden was very lovely indeed, and it was a perfect example of how they can transition from cheeky to sweet in a matter of seconds. Also, what a lovely image it is, thinking of the two of them sitting in the garden with flagstones that John had laid himself, and herbs that Anna had planted. It makes it even more homely.

John's idea of bliss was also a wonderful one, and I loved the idea of a woman's happiness and bliss being at the centre of everything. That's a very thought-provoking way of looking at it, and it's definitely something that I can see John believing. And his reasons behind not taking Anna as his mistress were explored very well too; I appreciated how well you explained it all in such a short space. I loved the line "I wanted it enough to wait and tell the rest of the world". Aww.

And now the intimacy itself. There's not one moment of that that I didn't just absolutely adore. Everything about it was so sensual and erotic and perfect. I loved the initial beginning of it, with Anna cupping herself and then realising that John was mesmerised, and then her exploring herself (loved the description "light veil of dew"), and then John joining in. It adds an even more intimate layer to their relationship. The contrast minutes later with Anna being so frantic was wonderful, and then I just /loved/ the fact that he continued pleasuring her afterwards. The whole section of him talking to her and telling her that he knew her body wanted more was the hottest thing I've ever read; it will forever be one of my favourite passages in fanfiction ever. That was just perfection. (Also, the idea of a younger, more impulsive John peeping through is just amazing.)

I will never get over how good this piece is. I've already read it several times over before I could even formulate this review, and I know I'll be returning to it again and again and again in the future. Absolutely brilliant. Thank God you wrote it.
The Prince's Phoenix chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
Fantastic story! I love John's idea of Bliss. So romantic!
theglamourfades chapter 1 . 4/26/2013
I really can't find the right words to say how much I loved this. It's just exquisite. Love the set-up, the fine detail, the description. The initial intimacy is so sensual and hot, but then I love how they go from ecstasy to love to discussing the garden. All those levels of their relationship are exactly what I love, though they're linked so closely. I adore the conversations they have with their eyes, they've definitely got that down to a fine art.

Just love "Any time you have...a scratch..." - heehee! And really loved the glimpse at John's younger, impulsive self emerging. That was wonderfully described.

And then the talk of her bliss...sigh. So eloquent, sensual and thoroughly loving. Anna is very lucky. Well, they both are, to have each other.
Anon chapter 1 . 4/23/2013
I may or may not have done a happy dance in my head when I saw you at the top of the new stories list...

You write at a different level than most fanfic writers, that's for sure. You've clearly observed and loved and analyzed these characters - we get these deeper layers that you just don't see on the show. Please continue!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/23/2013
absolutely stunning. The exploration of their relationship is amazing. "I want to be the one you turn to for bliss, for support, for protection, for partnership..." just WOW!
batesfan2 chapter 1 . 4/22/2013
this is a really interesting take on John and the changes we saw in him after his release-changes not too many writers have explored. i think you did that in a believable way here. Please write more! Your version of John and Anna surely have more sensual adventures to come...
Guest chapter 1 . 4/22/2013
This is pure greatness and I can't say nothing else because I'm speechless. You are a wonderful Banna writer and I hope you'll write more and more (specially M ;D)
E.Phoard chapter 1 . 4/23/2013
That was just lovely, especially the younger, impatient impulsive John. He is truly beautiful though.
Baily007 chapter 1 . 4/23/2013
OMG, I soooo love this! From the very first sentence down to the beautiful last.

You have the ability to portrait the most inner feelings so well, so authentic and real, it gives me the chills!
For example when you described Annas inner safe house. Having had one for myself for a long time, I thoroughly feel what you are talking about. And opening the walls of this house for all the beauty that lies within the marriage between these soulmate lovers is the most fascinating thing to read about.

Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful work with us. I over-enjoyed it and will re-read it several times, I am sure :)
anna4bates chapter 1 . 4/22/2013
Adorbs, I love it :D I have this funny feeling that Anna married very well hehe
Alkd chapter 1 . 4/22/2013
Oh my god that was so beautiful! What John says to her about her bliss. Gah! So amazing :)