Reviews for Jurassic Park: The Unseen Element
Guest chapter 5 . 7/26
U deserve alot more reviews I'm glad I found this
Guest chapter 4 . 7/26
Awesome chapter
Ms. Sleepy Clover chapter 6 . 7/21
Can you come up with anything besides, character going unconscious every five fricking minutes? That choice definitely doesnt make the character look utterly weak in every shape and form.
Bikerguy91 chapter 36 . 7/17
Only just discovered and read this story and I am so glad I did. Its pretty damn epic and I couldn't stop reading until I got to this latest chapter.

I'm really looking forward to your next chapter so please don't lose interest in this story, your doing an amazing job with this and it would be very saddening to see this left unfinished.
Aus the scaled warlock chapter 34 . 2/6
Guest chapter 8 . 10/13/2019
Strange but I kinda like it
Guest chapter 1 . 10/6/2019
Great first chapter
Guest chapter 33 . 10/6/2019
This story is ducking awesome
Leviathan54 chapter 33 . 6/29/2019
Hello, it's been a while. Great to see new chapter posted.

My initial thoughts about the chapter it confirmed a few things I suspected the alpha is going to do with Unseen, "the bird in a golden cage". Using his manipulations, calculated moves to bend her will to his. That's what is going to do from now on. The chapter also revealed his ultimate motive, getting her powers.
I liked their fight, brutal, fast and tiring as hell. She had a big chance to kill the alpha. On the other hand, he could use Taberah as a leash on her.

Unseen is so adorable when she is flattered :D So Unseen did her courting dance in front of Taberah several times then quickly changed the topic, haha. Maybe her mind isn't thrilled about the idea of him being her mate but subconsciously, her body reveals her deeply hidden feelings to her human companion. Otherwise, she wouldn't have dance in his presence. Maybe I read to deep into this but, big but, the court dance and Unseen's ideal relationship couldn't have been mentioned only for sake of "Dance of War". She would struggle to understand what the alpha does is true or not while she is being torn because she does have feelings for Taberah. Maybe the man would be smart enough to realise what the alpha does to her and there wouldn't be another way than just win her heart so they both wouldn't be slaves for the rest of their life... I'm really curious what are you going to do with this.

All in all, I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter! :)
Noname chapter 9 . 4/22/2019
U planning lemons
Guest chapter 5 . 4/22/2019
I'm enjoying your story a lot can't wait to read it all
Guest chapter 4 . 4/22/2019
Great chapter
Leviathan54 chapter 32 . 3/26/2019

Well-paced action scenes that were easy to imagine. The chapter fulfilled the role of white raptors origin flashback.

This chapter was really confusing especially when Unseen possed others characters like humans and then it switched to Silence perspective. I wouldn't mind it but it wasn't clearly explained how she could do that through Alpha's 3rd tongue. It looked like her involvement in past events affected the presence and it looked like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I didn't pay attention it was Silence even when Unseen mentioned her mother, to be honest. I didn't find her as an important character because she was absent in 75% of the story. Only after finishing the chapter it occurred to me that was Unseen's mother. Here, she was used to show how she joined colourful pack and the origins of Unseen. The daughter of Silence has her traits as well as normal ones. Unseen is proof such hybrids can live outside without fear of the light.

The chapter strongly suggests what I brought up in the previous review. The alpha wants her to become a broodmare and stay in a golden cage laying eggs and submit to him sexually whenever he feels like it. If he wrapped her mind in a 3rd tongue long enough, she could forget her Taberah even existed.

I wonder what tale Unsee is going to tell. I hope we would see more action in the present time too. Maybe what's going on with our human character.
Max waspace chapter 32 . 3/26/2019
3rd tongue is overpowered
Leviathan54 chapter 31 . 3/4/2019
Hello, it's been a while. Good to see the story get updates, tho this chapter was quite short comparing to wait time. And the cliffhanger :C We need more! :D

I like the society those white utahraptors created inside human made facility. Luminescent fungus created the atmosphere of a different world. Clever use of sulphur to hide the location of their home and confuse intruders.

So, Unseen is being courted by the Alpha. I wonder if she would resist charms of 3rd tongue because I have a feeling she would become a bird in golden cage that only purpouse is to bear alpha's hatchlings. I hope memory of Taberath will allow her to shake off the influence of charming male. Tho, she would have to pull something amazing off to leave that room without injury. The alpha may threat he will kill her human companion unless she submits to him. He can hold her hostage till she submits too.

I wonder what will happen to Taberath. Those utahraptors may keep him as a hostage if alpha's courtship didn't work. However, I bet he won't just sit with entwined arms and accept whatever his captors will do to him and Unseen. Ironically, Unseen is the only connection to his humanity and despite him telling her his friendly behaviour toward her is just a mask (or sth along those lines), he does like Unseen thus he would not like to see her hurt.

I have a feeling the pair would be safe only when they leave the Island for good. Too many threats are lurking in the background and one day Unseen and Taberath guard may fail. It's just a matter of time. Would they risk traveling through open ocean to find new home? Their best shot is one of the Islands where no dinosaurs live.

I am looking forward to reading the next chapter soon.
Have a nice day :)
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