Reviews for Lovely Death
tivoli- oo chapter 1 . 10/6/2018
I now have a strong urge to punch my Dutg friend. Thank you author.
Heliontrophe1718 chapter 1 . 10/31/2015
*sniff* good movie- ah eh good story! *sniffslowly clapping hands*
Guest chapter 1 . 4/18/2015
This was a great wonderful story I'm actually crying. But trivia is a representative of a country never die unless the country they're representing is gone. They get revived after a week or so. Atleast thats what I know. This story is the best and I love it so much I'm crying !
Tina-chan V chapter 1 . 7/6/2013
You made me hate Netherlands (in Hetalia, not the actual place).
Mikai chapter 1 . 4/15/2013
Hey, just decided to review... To be honest, I didn't really read the story, simply because I wanted to ask a qwestion (not sure if you can answer me though :) ) ... Why is it that you (oh, you're not the only one XD) use the Netherlands like this? I mean, ok, I guess he's not really the nicest of persons, but as far as I know, hé only really cares about money... Is it because prostitution and drugs and stuf like that are allowed there? 'cause they have the lowest drug use in all of Europe and the government can keep an eye on prostitutes, making it quite a lot better arranged than in some other countries I guess.

I'm really sorry to bother you with this, just wanna know :) ... And I'll read the story another time :D