Reviews for Stay Strong
WHY AM I STILL chapter 1 . 12/1/2016
Guest chapter 1 . 3/24/2016
The story is very good and does give good advice to those just starting's never going to stop it. One cut is enough and you become addicted to it. You can read this over and over again and hate your self more and more because you know your weak and gave in but you won't stop because of it. Take me for an example, I'm an ex self harmer but even now, a year later and i still find my self looking at the blade and wanting to feel it's pericing sting as the smooth metal glides across my wrist. So for maka to say she will stop, well it's not going to be easy, especially if she's been thinking about it for a long time and then finally doing it. Plus taking in her reasoning for it it's a possibility then soon the pros will out weigh the cons in not doing it.
Now I'm not hating your story, I did enjoy it and is very well written it's just the ending I had a little problem with. So I thought I would inform you for the next time you write a self harm fic. Again not a hate comment or anything it's just some thing you can inporove on.
Svetlana303 chapter 1 . 12/2/2015
This story was really amazing! The speach had so much thought and i thought this story was flawless
lillyRdalton chapter 1 . 3/4/2015
Omg! You should write another chapter.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/25/2014
This is the same guest from a while back. I needed a little push to keep going these past few days, and this story helped a bit. I haven't cut in about nine and a half months. I feel like it hasn't gotten any easier, and sometimes I forget why I stopped. I stopped for a friend. They found out about what I was doing not long after I found out about them. They wouldn't stop if I didn't. They broke our promise a few times, but they said I was the reason they would keep trying. They've made it really far. I'm so glad. Sorry. I don't know why I'm telling you this. You probably don't need or want to hear this, but it's nice to know you've helped someone, isn't it? I guess I just wanted to let you know that you've helped me. Anyway, thank you.
Loner chapter 1 . 6/21/2014
I've been dealing with self-harm for over a year, and i'm only a few days clean from it now. This story sings, it really spoke out to me. You just saved me from cutting, as i was just gonna do. This story is brilliantly written, i love it. Thanks again.
- loner
Guest chapter 1 . 5/17/2014
This had been favorited on my computer and I wasn't sure why, so I decided to read it. I've read this quite a few times and this is the best and one of the most accurate things I've seen. I haven't self harmed in over six months, and I'd been doing it for years. It's really hard sometimes, but this gave me more inspiration to keep going. Thank you.
Flibbertygibbert chapter 1 . 3/18/2014
This was very well written and I would like to thank you for posting this story! I've been dealing with self harm for about a year and after reading this it's made me realise that I can get better and I don't need to cut if I get down, I can't thank you enough seriously! Thank you so much for helping me realise!
This-Is-The-Beat-Of-My-Heart chapter 1 . 6/2/2013
that was really cute at the end and beautiful at every part! I think ill use this whenever I feel depressed! You should feel proud you've just saved someone else from cutting! :)
kity moon priestess chapter 1 . 4/16/2013
Simply beautiful :) thank you for your story!
Allison chapter 1 . 4/13/2013
HopelessxDreams chapter 1 . 4/13/2013
This is beautiful. And so very true.