Reviews for The L Word: Partners
Angel chapter 14 . 4/30
Me pongo de pie y te aplaudo. Muy buena historia, déjame decirte que soy una persona mayor de 40años o más. Ávida lectura de todo lo que cae en mis manos y reconozco a un buen escritor gracias por tu talento
Angel chapter 2 . 4/30
Que desgracia te paso, pero a donde te contacto?
NoMeImporta32 chapter 11 . 3/12/2017
I love that Bruce was the one that was kidnapped and it is up to Robin to do the rescuing. It is such a rare occurrence and positive delight. Looking forward to the next few chapters
Guest chapter 1 . 8/20/2013
Lol. I like stories about young Dick Grayson. Don't really like the grown up version.
Red Blaze 16 chapter 13 . 6/16/2013
Nice ending. I've liked the first two L stories. Now I am going to check out the next story.
RedWing0109 chapter 13 . 6/4/2013
Great, great ending to a great story! Any chance there will be more in this universe?
ARL15 chapter 13 . 6/3/2013
Great story!
Red Blaze 16 chapter 9 . 6/2/2013
So, he returns...
Red Blaze 16 chapter 8 . 6/2/2013
Good chapter!
Glimare chapter 13 . 6/1/2013
Felt like it ended rather abruptly, but maybe that's just me. Great story over all! Any more L words to anticipate in the future? D
kana hatake chapter 13 . 6/1/2013
¡Que triste que ya haya terminado! Pero la disfrute mucho, en serio, muchas gracias por compartirnos tu increíble historia, y deja de hacerle caso a los tipos desagradables que sólo buscan molestar. Increíble final, gracias. :D
Black Friar chapter 13 . 6/1/2013
Yay! That's our plucky little Robin! Well done, Kiddo for being so prepared (even if Bats had to come along with a darn critique). Plus we got to see Ritchie get his comeuppance which totally makes me happy.

Looking forward to seeing what you offer us next. :)
katsai25 chapter 13 . 6/1/2013
Oh I loved this! Little Dickie came into his own as Robin in this story. Plucky kid that he is, with his contingency plans, I was still worried when it came to the chloroform - I must admit I didn't think he had planned for that. But true hero that he is, he even allowed for that and triumphed in the end. I also loved that Alfred had added something extra to the cookies and cocoa that the police drank. I snickered when you mentioned that none of them had owned up to falling asleep. And Dick gave up the house that caused all the contention. I totally understand not wanting anything in common with Richie Lloyd, but hate that Lloyd is gaining anything from his 'nefarious activities'. Oh, and I thought the spell check mention was funny after Dick was questioning how to spell certain words in his journal entries. snicker I hope you're going to move forward with this in some way. It's been an enjoyable read and thanks so much for posting!
thegirl1001 chapter 13 . 6/1/2013
D'aww awesome sequel! I really enjoyed it! - Already looking forward to the next one! ;D

... hmm oh i wonder what your next story will be about? Not at all picking up any que from dickie's epilogue ;)
Glimare chapter 12 . 5/27/2013
hee hee hee! Silly Robin! Didn't you make a plan in case you were caught? Silly boy...
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