Reviews for What's Beyond the Mask?
Coral Q's bff chapter 13 . 4/18/2017
Aughhhhhhh! Oh my goodness, I just had to read this from start to finish, and I-I, oh my gosh, your story is so wonderful and I loved how you write out the interactions between Seto and Jou, and I definitely like Dr. Mori. Like seriously, she is so awesome and her interaction with her koishii is just adorable, and and- Oh my gosh, I just can't say enough on how much I love this fic.

I know it's been a long while, so I don't blame you if it doesn't get picked up again, but for what it is, I thoroughly enjoyed it! :) Thank you for writing the lovely fic!
1enchantedgirl chapter 13 . 1/9/2014
Ugh, u stopped writing. I have been enjoying the development of your story. Love dr. Mori.
TheDawnCatcher chapter 13 . 7/16/2013
I'm absolutely thrilled with this story! You keep everyone in character while pursuing this possible romance, and Jou isn't getting wimpified like he does in some others (major peeve off for me, avoided!). Dr. Mori is also a really awesome OC, and tying her into the cannon plot with the hacking sequence makes her more believable as an active character. And I'd love to see a parallel Puzzleshipping one, myself, simply because your Yami sounds like a badass!
catthegreat chapter 13 . 5/2/2013
I have a question regarding consistency. So dr Mori goes to the apartment and what not, then waits for Shun to pick her up and take her back to the mansion. Meanwhile kaiba is at home listening in to the conversation between jonouchi and te nurse. Kaiba gets irritated and decides to go to kaiba corp. But when dr Mori sees him, he's in the back of Shun's car headed home (not to kaiba corp) from work. Is this wrong? I know you said shun was coming from kaiba corp, but does that mean dr Mori was waiting the entire day? Or is the timing different than I originally read it? Does that question make sense?
wishfulliving89 chapter 13 . 4/29/2013
love the story so far. so cant wait for the next chapter.
PhantomSpinach chapter 13 . 4/29/2013
OMG! I found this at ch 13 and could barely put it down! I can hardly wait for more! I really like your characterization, and the modernization. I was happy with the pacing (until the first half of this chapter-it doesn't really fit the rest of the story but who doesn't like beating up Jounouchi-san?) I'm looking forward to more- and I'm very happy to find new puppyshipping stories 3
Ose93 chapter 13 . 4/29/2013
I love the fact that Kaiba used his coat to cover Joey; it was adorable. It's too bad that he didn't hear the rest of the conversation with the nurse, though I suppose it will lead to something interesting. ;)

Mori is an interesting character. I like where you are taking this and how slowly Kaiba realizing his feelings. Though, I'm not sure if he is even clued in to said feelings quite yet. XD

Joey is nicely portrayed, and I love a sneaky Mokuba as well. C:
Eriasa Jun chapter 13 . 4/29/2013
Man, Dr mori was kickin ass and takin name this chapter, huh? been waiting for the update, was very excited to read it!
sayo-chan64 chapter 13 . 4/28/2013
Mori just metaphorically knocked Kaiba through a damn wall with those words of truth (she's spittin' the truth).

Of course Jounouchi's a hot piece of man, he's JOUNOUCHI (the coolest thing that walks Domino City). I loved Yoko's reaction to that statement (I can only imagine what sarcasm would be clouding Kaiba's mind when he heard Joey say that).

I can't wait, for more banter between everyone, and I want Mokuba to scheme. Oh, and Honda should get his ass kicked when Jounouchi goes back to school. Just because it'd be hilarious and sate my inner sadist.

dancing elf chapter 12 . 4/27/2013
mokuba is quite the schemer, eh? wonder what else he'll come up with to be a successful matchmaker...

dr. mori is so interesting, especially how you worked her into the details of the anime :)
catthegreat chapter 12 . 4/27/2013
I have a few things to say about this chapter:
1. I can't say I'm a huge fan of the text conversation. I felt Yami was ooc and it didn't move the plot forward any. The text talk itself was fine and all (I mean they were texting) it was the conversation itself that I found a little out of place.
2. I enjoy how you're mentioning Dr. Mori's involvement in previvious events from the anime. It makes her feel like more of a canon character and less of an OC, which is definitely a good thing.
3. I also enjoyed the ending, how Joey was allowed to just stay on Kaiba's couch.
As for my feelings on a parallel puzzle shipping fic: it depends how it's done. I personally think that it might be better to write a completely seperate fic about it, rather than a parallel. That's just my personal opinion though.
Hope this review was helpful!
Eriasa Jun chapter 12 . 4/27/2013
Honda is secretly the biggest KaiJou shipper around, He seems so excited to help ahahaha. Really excited to see this update(ε )
catthegreat chapter 11 . 4/27/2013
The homework was adorable. I also am a fan of dr. Mori. She's pretty legit.
catthegreat chapter 10 . 4/26/2013
Yeah, I hate her.
dancing elf chapter 11 . 4/26/2013
enjoyed reading your fic :)
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