Reviews for Youth
LuMezenga chapter 39 . 4/1
Hey, I used to love this series... any chance you'll finish it one day? Hopefully you and your family have been keeping safe during this quarantine! Wishing you all the best and hoping you have never stopped writing, because you are VERY good at what you do.
I'm not logged on bc internet, but feel free to PM me on my user. I also have an unfinished fic I have written out but not typed out since 2012 or 13 I think, so no worries about me judging lol. I just decided to comment bc I never deleted the e-mail that said this updated with chapter 39, and I realize it's the oldest in there. Decided to reach out, if only to let you know your story touched me in a way I still think about it all those years later. You're something special! Hoping you had a wonderful day,
FenanOni chapter 39 . 7/25/2018
Are you still here? Please I can't wait for this story to have a new chapter!
RoseWithAllTheThorns chapter 39 . 3/25/2017
Is it discontinued? I love this story but you haven't updated in years, literally, so I thought you might have abandoned it. If you have please tell everyone so we don't have sit here waiting. Thank you
of muffins and sprinkles chapter 39 . 1/27/2017
When will you be updating this? It was really good!
SenseiPuddles chapter 39 . 12/19/2016
I miss this story so much :-( started it a few years ago. I check up on it every few months.
Derp-For-Homestuck chapter 39 . 12/14/2016
this is why I don't read stories that aren't completed. I end up really fucking sad when I get to the end and find out the story was last updated two fucking years ago and will never be finished. And I really liked this one. A fucking lot.
Axeex chapter 2 . 11/21/2016
YES, TOM & JERRY! It was my favourite cartoon as kid... And nowadays, too.

Buen capĂ­tulo :')
Nina chapter 39 . 8/6/2016
Guessing this has been discontinued and im going to finally close the tab on my computer that has been open for nearly 2 years. Anyway, thanks for writing this, its a wonderful story and some awesome characterisation. i wish you nothing but the best, good luck in life mate. Nina 3
Wynter chapter 39 . 6/30/2016
Please please continue this adorable work of HiJack fluff! I love it so much and it saddens me to see that it hasn't been updated in a little while...
Jack Frost Fan chapter 39 . 6/13/2016
Hijack w nicole chapter 1 . 5/29/2016
Aww the better be boyfriend's
Guest chapter 16 . 2/23/2016

This is an amazing story, my favorite on the entire site. Please continue this work of genius.
Jenna chapter 39 . 2/3/2016
I miss you. Come back.
Michael chapter 39 . 12/11/2015
I've been following this fic for a couple years now, and I just wanted to say thank you for posting when you can! I get so excited when I check up on it and it has a new chapter! You're awesome!
Nina chapter 39 . 12/6/2015
Sorry, i forgot to say that your description of having a prosthetic is fantastic. When my brother was 9 he was involved in a hideous car accident and had below the knee of his left leg removed. I remember how hard it was for him in the beginning and wanted to let you know that when i read it he said it's pretty accurate for someone (we assume) isn't an amputee. So thank you also for that...Nina x
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