Reviews for Until the End
wittyusernames chapter 39 . 1/7
the story.
Guest chapter 36 . 4/21/2019
Actually, by traditional viking naming it would be Hoffersdater, but just a technicality
rcpb chapter 43 . 7/5/2018
omg i cryed so much
CallMeDella chapter 44 . 6/26/2018
Just ignore me. I'm currently sobbing over this fanfiction and my dad is looking at me like I have two heads.
Guest chapter 41 . 12/29/2017
Nope still hate the nudge
Guest chapter 37 . 12/29/2017
Why why why WHY do you want me to hate this book
Guest chapter 32 . 12/29/2017
Noooooooooooo this is some kind of joke
Guest chapter 31 . 12/29/2017
Please tell me I ended will
H1cDracon3s chapter 45 . 11/22/2017
Dear Petalouda85,

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on how much your writing has improved over these forty-four chapters. It's a very inspiring thing to see a budding author mature and blossom even as they write fanfiction (which some say isn't real literature. GO JUMP IN A LAKE NAYSAYERS)

I have read my share of fanfics over the years I've been a fangirl (ugh I hate this word as much as the word boyfriend but I digress). Your contribution is a large one if I might say so, and I applaud your dedication to something others might call childish. (AGAIN. YOU LOT CAN GO SHOVE YOUR OPINIONS SOMEWHERE NOT EVEN THE SUN CAN REACH THEM. Please).

You definitely have a bit of improvement, but your writing is on a good track to becoming superior.

Now. I will tell you there were some things that bothered me about this story. First, the use of mom and dad. I understand in the movies they use those terms, but it would just give me a little prickle of annoyance every time I read them. I would have used "mother" and "father" or "da" and "mam" or "mum." It just didn't fit with the rest of the story. Second, your third person POV was LEAGUES ahead of your first person POV. But I think it's cool you're willing to test your limits. It shows gall in an author. Third, you're characters were too obvious in the beginning. (I know you have improved though, as your later chapters were much better). Lastly. I APPRECIATE TRAGEDIES. There simply aren't enough out there. But HELLO. I was not expecting a Merricup fanfic to be that heavy. Tbh I'm still reeling a bit.

I really thought it was considerate that you put the warnings of what would be in the chapter before you began. I know several times I've been just "la di da, reading a fanfic about some cute otp, then BAM. CLOTHES ARE OFF AND ALL THE SMUT." It's a bit off putting honestly and it's nice to have a forewarning.

I do hope you continue to write and I'm very proud of you for getting out there and writing. I am a spineless coward who is terrified of posting on any of these fanfiction sites for fear of criticism and nasty comments.

I feel like I'm connected to you somehow after reading about how you've gone through high school and some of college and I don't even know who you are.


P. S. If you ever read this, I have one question. You referenced a bit of Bollywood, and I'm curious to know if you've ever seen Baahubali. If not, and you like Bollywood, GO WATCH IT. It's on Netflix (although idk if you have Netflix in the Netherlands oh well).

Anyway, ta.
Guest chapter 45 . 9/20/2017
One of the best and sadest stories I have ever read.
NightshadeLG chapter 44 . 6/30/2017
I like the cruelty of the WHY! WHY DID YOU LE-MMPH!
All Dragons Other Than Me: SHUT IT NIGHTSHADE!
NightshadeLG chapter 43 . 6/30/2017
WHAT DID YOU DO TO IT! okay i'll stop. Happy chapter!
NightshadeLG chapter 42 . 6/30/2017

Okay...I'm an 11year old GIRL and I've probably gone insane if I LIKE reading crazy, insane stories like these...

NightshadeLG chapter 40 . 6/30/2017

I thank you for granting my wish...if only...nah. Insane is enough.
Guest chapter 21 . 6/30/2017
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