Reviews for Tainted Child
Jade Roxanne Skywalker chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
I finished the whole story in one go and I was like, “Wow”. It’s so wonderfully written, I absolutely love it, especially the interaction between Luke and Obi-Wan, because they’re my favourite characters in Star Wars.
SammyGirlForLife chapter 8 . 4/11/2017
It's bit overwhelming reviewing each chapter. So I waited until I finished all eight chapters of this amazing chapter story. Tainted Child's one the best Star Wars stories I've ever come across. It's a well thought out and magnificently written story. I couldn't find a thing I didn't like about this... It's a beautiful work of art that can stand the test of time.
Nf chapter 8 . 3/28/2016
Of course Luke was gonna choose obinwan. The fucking brainwashing was amazingly done.

The jefi turned out to be the most twisted truly evil guys in this fic and it was okay because good has to win. Yeah right
Azalea Scroggs chapter 8 . 1/21/2016
First of all, this is not a flame. In stories I greatly prefer a messed up morality than a too easy one. Secondly this is so very wrong. I mean, let us be clear, it's an excellent story and I liked it a lot, its ambiguities playing much in its favour. You wrote it very well, pace is excellent and the characters were mesmerising. Now what Obi-Wan did was wrong. What the Jedi Council did was absolutely monstrous. Torture a child for two days?! Kill a thirteen-years-old boy?! In cold blood?! Besides, I strongly disagree with you on Anakin killing his little girl, but there we're talking of analyses on the films, so I can't really fault you for not having the same point of view as I do. However, even with your story's Vader all must not have been so bad, since he cared well for Luke, who had toys and better comfort than what Obi-Wan's rebellion could offer, and Luke apparently cared for his father, and Vader was angry not only at his son being taken but also him being in pain... I know the Jedi Council is supposed to have seen the wrongness of their ways and Vader to have shed all light with Leia's murder, I know Luke had a happy childhood after all, and I don't deny the sincerity of any of Obi-Wan's love, but still... Anyway, even though the conclusions leave me greatly disturbed, this story is very well written and engaging, I enjoyed it very much and I congratulate you on it.
The Hope Lions chapter 8 . 12/31/2015
Aww i really enjoyed this. Can't see Obi-Wan with anyone personally, but i truly liked this.
EmeraldWings90 chapter 7 . 12/31/2015
I've just reread this and I still love it as much as years ago. :)
AI chapter 8 . 6/12/2015
Not sure how I feel. Kinda feel forced that Vader doesn't love his children, unlike the canon. He is a horrible villain yes. But to claim he didn't love Luke is false (what about the kids room, what about how Luke doesn't show signs of neglect or abuse or fear of his father). And regarding Leia, obviously he was already breaking his rule of two by training Luke, there's no reason he couldn't have taken Leia too even though she was the weaker. Also Jedi Council crimes are just handwaved away. Eh.
heloise1 chapter 8 . 1/14/2015
I loved this story very much - especially the warm, deep and loving relationship between Luke and Ben. They deserve it.
Jedi Jesi Jiin chapter 8 . 10/20/2014
A wonderful story, well written. I'll admit I was skeptical of this being done in only 8 parts, but you pulled it off rather well. I love Luke and Obi wan's relationship, and I love that my favorite prequel-trilogy Jedi finally got to love.

Way to go. and thanks for sharing this story with us. :)
Happy Writing!
Jedi Jesi Jiin chapter 7 . 10/20/2014
I love how you battle Palpatine! I've not seen that one before! Kudos to you. :)
Jedi Jesi Jiin chapter 3 . 10/18/2014
LOL, I loved this line: "' Jedi and their meaningless, utterly comfortless sayings'". Great line!
Jedi Jesi Jiin chapter 1 . 10/18/2014
Poor Luke! And Vader royally pissed was an interesting addition.
Darth Marrs chapter 8 . 9/16/2014
Very nicely done.
bec chapter 8 . 9/14/2012
OMG I loved every part of this. I loved that Obi-Wan trained Luke and the relationship they have. I was shocked the Jedi council was going to murderer Luke! This was a wonderful story, I couldn't get enough of it. Every story you write needs to be novel length, not vingettes.
I have read all your star wars fics, and now I am sad cause there is no more. :(
Keep up the great writing!
Jennifer Apple chapter 8 . 8/30/2012
This was like, perfect. Utterly. Perfection. Loved it.
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