Reviews for Powers Best Left Untouched
Unseen Watcher chapter 4 . 9/26/2019
I love fics that show the WW is not nearly as powerful as they think they are. Especially Dumbles. Thanks!
Wolf'sVine chapter 4 . 10/8/2016
This is just... so freaking incredible and touching and awesome and inspirational and fascinating and just... wow! I especially loved how gentle Yami was with Harry, I guess it's cuz of his instinct to protect and he'd see Harry as little more than a child in need of his help. It was wonderful to read that. Although, I also liked confident, intimidating and powerful Yami too. It was enjoyable to see him put Dumbledore and Snape in their place without really doing anything except being himself. Yeah, this is definitely going on my list of awesome fics.
sus chapter 4 . 9/1/2016
I have come back for the 5th time to read your story, but no new chapter yet. Please don't abandon this it is far more enjoyable than a few here that has hundreds of chapters. Please finish it.
MattKennedy chapter 4 . 1/22/2016
Cool and amusing story. :) Love the 'Hikari Charm'.
katsu chapter 4 . 7/29/2015
Please one more chapter, i need to know how it ends, i rarely read a story this good nowdays.
Snowdrops and Rainclouds chapter 4 . 5/29/2015
Voldie's way over his head. This story is incredible~ Great work!
Akayuki Novak chapter 2 . 5/17/2015
Gosh darn... I actually felt /sorry/ for Bellatrix. Then I remembered she killed Sirius, and my heart went into a bit of a rebellion. Tiny little force yelling that she deserved it, bigger part saying she didn't, biggest part saying she should have seen it coming.
Susanne chapter 4 . 5/4/2015
When i found your fanfic I was curious, then I found myself looking up again and again this well done story. Then I was overjoyed when I came across more chapters. Now I have already read the whole thing for 6 times again and again, and please believe me, this is a good fanfic. Really enjoyable.
Now I just have only one quesion: will you update? I am dying to see Yami punch Voldy on the face. So please...update :)
Escape my reality chapter 4 . 2/21/2015
Great few chapters! This is one of the few fics I've read that portrays yugi and co. really well. It fit my head cannon perfectly! I really liked Bakura and Yami especially, you had them down pat! Very impressive!
Random person chapter 4 . 12/27/2014
I feel like leaving a comment just to say , I really like this and really really wish you would put more up. I like what ya did their with the purg of Voldie soul pice. Harry saw both Yugi and Yami , wonder if he'll remember that. But I won't know if you don't put mooore . If you lost interest in this at least put up that their will be no more, but leave it up cuz people like to retread things even if their not done or abandoned.
Jigoku no Yami chapter 4 . 11/28/2014
Would love to see Voldermort find Pegasus. My god, that would be funny to see.
Gnos fo Ytinrete chapter 4 . 10/26/2014
I am thoroughly enjoying this. It is tantalizingly elegant. I love powerful Shadow Master AUs! I adore your idea for people to instinctively react to Hikaris and Yamis. Love it!

I don't hate Dumbledore, I cried when he died (no one better react like that's a spoiler!). But seeing him a humbled old man who just wants Harry to be okay.'s a strange feeling. Kind of like finding out a deity still needs to sleep and rest and still is...human-ish. Ah, that's the word I was looking for: it humanizes Dumbledore. It's a relief.

Poor Harry. Leave old Moldy Shorts to the big boys, Harry.

Cya 'round,
Rahar Moonfire chapter 2 . 9/3/2014
Oooo, evil. I like. I look forward to Yami's meeting with Volde. Now that'll be a show. Or Kaiba even. I bet Kaiba would obliterate him with Blue Eyes just from looking at his face.
Rahar Moonfire chapter 1 . 9/3/2014
I undertsand the feeling of hot and cold perfectly. I have low blood pressure, a high metabolism, and tend to skip breakfast. I get that hot cold feeling right before I gray out. I've never completely blacked out that I can remember, just grayed out. When I gray out, my cheeks burn but my body feels chilled, I feel top heavy and begin to sway, black rings begin to close around my sight causing it to tunnel, then my balance gives out, and I collapse to the floor. The difference between this and blacking out is that I remain completely conscious and aware, just unable to control my movements, speak, or see. It can be kinda scary and disorrienting. Not to mention embarressing when people begin to freak out thinking I passed out or something.
Above the Winter Moonlight chapter 4 . 8/3/2014
Very good. Are you going to continue it? If so then update soon.
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