Reviews for All of Me
wkathryn71 chapter 25 . 4/25
Please continue with this story loine
Denie1943 chapter 25 . 3/19
It is a great story and deserves a sequel...Thanks for sharing!
Denie1943 chapter 18 . 3/19
FINALLY! I love the story, but now it will end far too soon. Thanks for sharing!
shellz71 chapter 25 . 11/2/2019
wow great story i really enjoyed it thank you
shellz71 chapter 25 . 11/2/2019
wow great story i really enjoyed it thank you
Michelle Owens chapter 25 . 10/20/2019
Hi i have really enjoyed this story just asking if you have any more chapters to this story because i like the storyline and i want to find out what happens next.
Guest chapter 25 . 10/18/2019
Well done! Thanks for sharing...Denie'
limtse1978 chapter 25 . 10/5/2019
This is my second time reading this story and I love it just as much as the first time I read this, thank you
Munkeyfump20 chapter 25 . 7/22/2019
Wow thanks for the very good read I will look forward to the next instalment and link if you are going to do an epilogue. Thanks again for the read. Please keep them coming if you decide.
NotEnoughTimeOnMyHands chapter 2 . 7/18/2019

Don’t steal stories!

But again, thanks for your super kind and generous words about this story. I was really flattered by your compliments. Too generous. Lol! OMG! *eye-roll*
FarTooMuchTimeOnMyHands chapter 1 . 7/18/2019
Thanks to the anonymous reviewer who’s using their time to find errors and typos in my story. I really appreciate all of your hard work. Maybe find someone to beta for? Anyway, I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the story and stuck with it. It’s great that people still appreciate my work, even after all this time. I’m glad this touched you!
Wish you’d had the backbone to sign in and then we could discuss this privately. But you don’t!

Thanks again!
SMEADE chapter 22 . 1/15/2019
Finally together in his bed. She is still hurting so he almost leaves but Ana asked him to stay with her and they slept together through the night peacefully.
SMEADE chapter 21 . 1/15/2019
Oh, what’s a little bruising Christian. I’m kidding. He doesn’t want to hurt her and him controlling his desires tonight lying next to her in bed, the man is honorable.
SMEADE chapter 20 . 1/15/2019
Fight at the bar, it’s time to quit Ana. Christian taking her home to Escala is going to be a good night.
SMEADE chapter 19 . 1/15/2019
Great surprise, helicopter ride, lunch at a beautiful Inn, seeing the falls from the helicopter amazing day. What you have to work on Christian is an amazing romantic sex night. Soon.
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