Reviews for Re:Memories
Reana Tomas chapter 1 . 2/26/2019
The day you continue this is the day that you prove to yourself you are alive.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/22/2014
I want more ;;
Minekoanime chapter 1 . 4/24/2014
*Sniff* This is really good and sad too..
guest 1000 chapter 1 . 6/21/2013
very pretty story.
A/N update?
Guest chapter 1 . 5/26/2013
Great story. Looking forward for the next chapter.
mistyblues chapter 1 . 5/22/2013
Wow, this was LONG. Kudos to you three for taking the time and effort to bring in so much within the first chapter itself! :D

I'm pretty curious about that letter... I do have a few suspicions but I guess I'll just have to wait for the update. I loved all the little details that made the characters more realistic: Tsubaki's mental praise of Agata, Switch laughing like a lady (LOL), etc. This is particular, made me laugh: "Gah, what's with this weird company name? Bancoco Banking Banker's Bank? Couldn't they come up with a simple name for a bank?". xD

Anyway, great job. I can sense the beginning of an awesome fic! :D So please DO update soon :)

-Sunny ;)

Oh, and P.S: "LateRisingLight"? Nice one :D
Guest chapter 1 . 5/15/2013
what was the letter about? verry curious...
Takagi Akito chapter 1 . 5/4/2013
I'm very ashamed. I thought you haven't posted this yet! Lol. Let's just R n R!

Three greatest authors in Sket Dance fandom join in force is like Goku and Vegeta doing a fusion! And in results, Big Bang Kamehameha 100x ! Look at that 9k words! I can never make that much! Q.Q

Everything is great, IMO. But you actually can still add more humor! My grammar ain't good. I believe you guys do better than me, so I don't pay much attention to grammar-checking. lol. You can jerk the characters' emotion really well which I fail on doing so in every of my fics. And not only that, the characterization and the settings are great too! Sasuga LateRisingLight-dono!

Oh, on another note. I, like other readers too, am still wondering about the letter. . . Why do I smell something fishy from it? o.O

But anyways, this is a very well done. You must continue at all cost! Best of luck Light27, Late Bloomers, and risingdaydreamer!

kurasuchi chapter 1 . 5/1/2013
This is really amazing and true to the awesomeness that is Sket Dance! Thanks for writing this, and please update soon!
Jennifer chapter 1 . 4/23/2013
As always Light-kun is awesome, the story was very well made and I really enjoyed it! I think the colaboration of you three make it so good. Good thing Himeko in the end was able to overcome her little problem but it makes me wonder... is her letter an aceptation letter from an university?.. I think so, but if it is like that why would she bother studying in the fisrt place?
It is my first time reading one of fic of the rest of you guys but I congratulate you two for your hard work, and of course to Light-kun who is awesome in his stories :D.
Pixie Sticks And Glitter chapter 1 . 4/13/2013
Oh. My. God.
You three are a match made in the best part of heaven! I don't even know what to say...I'll start with the fact the your story is slightly intimidating (and I mean that in the best possible way) as you've set the bar so freaking high for any other story. This archive has almost 100 fics, but I can sense that this one will be the best.

This is absolutely amazing, you actually took my breath away. I've been dancing around this fic for a few day, trying to figure out how to review something so perfect! All three of you have amazing writers individually but together you are exceptional. Fantastically written, with an even more fantastic story-line. How could you not tell us what was in that letter to Himeko? I'm not sure whether to love you or hate you for not explaining that. Chapter 2 better come out fast! :D

There were very few mistakes for such a long piece of work, and I am very impressed by that!

"Passing through my time,
your season changed.
One day we will become adults
yet in the 'present' our hands are separated."

Did you guys write that? If so it's a beautiful poem.
Over 9,000 words in one chapter is an outstanding feat! 9,000 WORDS! Gosh, that must have taken you forever. Did you do separate sections and then add them together? Or did you write the whole thing as one? How did you go about your collaboration. Was it difficult? Did you argue over ideas?
The time and effort obviously spent writing this payed-off, BIG TIME!
Keep up the (there is no adjective to describe the perfection) work!

Lex Complex chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
Like Hachimitsu2 said, individually, you guys are already amazing; but together you three just blew me away. As if 9000 words wasn't enough to impress me, you guys made this so Sket-like from beginning till end. The characters were in-character and the plot was good. I guess I liked it even more because it's something I could relate to. I've been through high school graduation and entrance exams so I know how it feels to walk separate paths from your friends. Thank you for writing this; you made me remember fun high school memories. :D

I love how your styles went together and no single author's style overshadowed the other two. "Switch laughed like a high-class lady through his laptop." No doubt my favorite description from the story. I could just totally see him doing that. Close behind would be the mention of the maid cafe. :p Kudos to you three for successfully pulling this off. You just inspired me to work harder. I'm with you guys all the way and I'll eagerly await the next installment. I wonder what that letter was about? A love letter? A blackmail threat? A scholarship for a university? I'll have to wait, won't I? :)

Hachimitsu2 chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
You three are already awesome individually but altogether left me in awe.
The story is very Sket-like and funny! I like how you guys hint something about Himeko... is it the letter? What's written in it? Is it a crush?
The length is just... wow!
The styles mixed up pretty nicely too for you three which is kinda rare because most writers have contrasting style. I felt like I had a taste of you three in one story which is weirdly pleasant.
The results? An awesome story with brilliant writing.

You three have my support on this!
youshi chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
You 3 did an amazing job together!I already read fics from you guys before but together I'm just specheless!waiting to the next chapter!please do it fast kkkkk!I am a fan of you 3!congratulations!
Ran Kajiura chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
Woaaaah... 9205 words for the first chapter. And it's awesome, too!

I love the idea of this story. Though only got the major points, I could say that I really curious how this story will end up like. And because there are 3 genius authors wrote this amazing story, I guess I can expect fast update from you guys, no?

Hahah.. just kidding. As much as I love fast update, I also love a long, nice, well-written chapter. Just take your time to write the next chapter. I'm sure there will be lots of people who will love this story.

Good luck guys...