Reviews for The Black Moon
Ms. Sleepy Clover chapter 10 . 2/7
Ewwww, love at first sight. And also stop making the girls the targets for kidnapping. Cuz I swear if at any moment in the story if any of the girls get kidnapped Im done.
Ms. Sleepy Clover chapter 9 . 2/7
Still to early to force the romance.
Ms. Sleepy Clover chapter 8 . 2/7
What did I tell you? To show the guy being a badass. That aside, it was a great battle nonetheless.
Ms. Sleepy Clover chapter 7 . 2/7
Of course the gal gets injured, so the guys can duke it out. Some may see it as her hubris, but not me. I see it as the author wanting to push the female aside just so it can be an all males fight.
Ms. Sleepy Clover chapter 6 . 2/7
Why Umbreon? Because everyone assumes that when a girl and guy stand next to each other, their automatically a couple. Plus, for some reason, Romance is one of the most favored genres out their when it should be the 2nd to worst genre out their. (Just being beaten by Drama.)
Ms. Sleepy Clover chapter 4 . 2/7
Wow trying already to FORCE the romance in only the fourth chapter. Like seriously, let them get to know one another for awhile and then LATER on in the story build the romance up more. Why must authors always rely on Disney style romance...
Ms. Sleepy Clover chapter 1 . 2/7
Awwww come on, why does the Vaporeon have to be the asshole. DX

Secondly, seems you cant escape racism no matter where you go.
Sacredstar Mentor chapter 1 . 8/9/2019
I love Shiro the Umbreon background character and his past history of being ostracized, bullied and abused for being different at young age. And all ever wanted to be, is wild and free. Being treated normal and with respect by the public, isn't of being seen as a disease or monster.

And now his key to freedom is beyond his borders and he finally achieve his goals, with nothing holding him back. I'm really impress by your deep details and relatable dialogue by the first chapter and I can't wait to read more during my summer vacation.(Thank you)
GearKnight15 chapter 1 . 6/7/2018
Please come back and finish this stories!
Guest chapter 34 . 4/1/2018
It's great!
Crossover crazed chapter 1 . 1/23/2018
Pokémon is plural
omigod chapter 35 . 6/16/2017
I wish you would have updated this regularly, noe the story isnt over, and its been 1 1/2 years later, and it hasnt been resumed.
Nova Watcher chapter 35 . 4/19/2017
Hello! I'm new in the reading crowd of people reading this story, but I managed to catch up in one day! It's a really goodbye story, and my favorite eeveelution/eon is an Umbreon. I rarely see any good stories anymore that have an Umbreon as one of the main characters. You've done some really good writing, so... see you (or read your stories) next time!

P.S. Aria has some major emotion swings. MAJOR ones. It's just funny how large they are though. It sometimes kills me how funny it is...
Jordanzz chapter 1 . 4/13/2017
Rip this story. It shall be missed
Good chapter 1 . 3/25/2017
Loved it1
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