Reviews for You and I Collide
Mitana chapter 53 . 8/10
OK, so I'm really behind in my reading of all the Bones Fanfic, but started on this one assuming it was finished (my fault, I know). But I know it must be pretty close because in a previous chapter's AN, you said it would be over when Brennan discovered/announced her pregnacy; we know she is and maybe she doesn't even know yet (or maybe she does since she only had water when everyone was drinking...) But Max still needs to find out about them and Brennan still needs to tell Booth and we need to experience his ecstatic reaction... Any chance you have another chapter or two written but just forgot to post? (I know, it's highly unlikely, but a girl can dream, can't she?) Or maybe you want to take a trip down memory lane and finish this up? I'm following even though it's been 4 years since you updated, in a surplus of hope.
Amanda3271 chapter 45 . 9/12/2019
I wasn't surprised that Rebecca didn't like Booth with Hannah...because I think deep down she knew that he was much happier when he was Brennan...and he was mainly using Hannah to punish Brennan for not saying yes to him...which in turn almost wrecked him and her. But I think I am going to forever remember the "knock off version of me" comment that Rebecca made about Hannah. That made me laugh.
Zaniella1994 chapter 1 . 9/5/2019
This is a very enjoyable story, I hope you continue!
TequilaRed chapter 1 . 6/28/2018
Such a wonderful storyit made me laugh out loud several times while reading it! Please say it's going to be continued...?
hpslashrules chapter 53 . 12/24/2017
Such a good story! Bit hard to follow sometimes with flashbacks but I think it helps with perspective. Please keep going with this one
Guest chapter 45 . 10/7/2017
As far as I am concerned, Rebecca can take a long walk off a short pier. I have never understood why Booth has never sued for rights - he certainly could. But even without formal rights, you've got to be a cold bitch to move away from your child's father when they have a good relationship.
Anonymous189 chapter 53 . 4/29/2017
I just took the time to re-read your story and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I really hope your muse has just been on vacation and that you have not abandoned this story. Either way, thank you for sharing with us. I really love how you write the character's thoughts. So, so funny.
CaskettShipper chapter 51 . 4/10/2017
I have a proposal for you... I'm quite invested in your story. Your writing blows me away and I cannot get enough! But I can't help but notice some minor spelling and grammar problems. I've been a beta before and I would like to offer up my services! You don't know me at all so I totally understand if it's a "no" but I'd like you to think about it ;)
CaskettShipper chapter 50 . 4/10/2017
I had to think twice about Brennan Floss. It took seconds but felt longer and then I wanted to un-understand it. YUUUUUCK! SOOOOO ICKY! I hope this was your overactive imagination and not part of your "ton of Wendish in this chapter." UGH... still not over it. XD
CaskettShipper chapter 45 . 4/7/2017
You say you don't like writing confrontations but you're hella good at it!
CaskettShipper chapter 43 . 4/7/2017
Angela's pregnancy? Or Brennan's? HA! Caught ya! I win.
CaskettShipper chapter 41 . 4/7/2017
Your title for this chapter mimics Big Bang Theory, huh? I gotchu.
CaskettShipper chapter 39 . 4/7/2017
"Maybe they'll break your heart..." This is when I started to fall apart because I knew where you were going with it. And it crushed me. It was heart crushing! "Burdens which allow us to fly" This is when the tears would NOT stop. I'm at work right now and it was really embarrassing but I could not give one flying fuck who saw. I love how much you get Brennan. When she was counting everything in the room so she could deal? This minor detail pushes you out of every other author's league. And when Brennan wanted to convey to Booth that it was her saying that she loved him? I died. And then Brennan started talking to Vincent?! UGH. KILL. ME. NOW. You are an excellent writer. I just CAN'T with you. Your words penetrate my soul. Thank you.
CaskettShipper chapter 36 . 4/6/2017
Tissues. I needed multiple tissues to get through this chapter. That flashback REALLY got to me. I felt so really. Totally IN-character. I always knew in my heart that Booth sent Ange and Hodgins to Brennan. And Hodgins being the one to take the lead in caring for her? I was so surprised but it was ssooooo in-character. Made me sob... At work! GAH! And I love that Ange finally called Brennan on her bullshit. Did she really think it was appropriate to spend the weekend with Booth and Parker without Hannah even knowing about it? Yeah, I get she was vulnerable, loves Booth, and misses Parker... but SERIOUSLY! They basically cheated. Even though nothing happened, they cheated. UGH! I'm too invested in this story! But now that Bones is done, it's all I have! And re-runs. But still... THANK YOU FOR WRITING!
CaskettShipper chapter 35 . 4/6/2017
I looooove this story arc! But that's probably the angsty side of me that finds "almost love" scenarios appealing. Haha!
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