Reviews for You've Got the Love I Need to See Me Through
productofanolympianorgy chapter 1 . 4/9/2013
That was beautiful.
TheFutilitarian chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
So, firstly: I should just admit upfront that I am basically Chloe at the zoo.

Secondly: in case there was ever any doubt about any overempathy with Aubrey, from the gift shop onwards I was completely stressed out until the picnic because, "Asdfghjkl... whatifChloedidntbuyherthestuffedpanda?"

I mean, I don't even know why I still don't trust you to make good choices-*habit*-but you certainly didn't disappoint...LOL

This and rabidnar's Sick Day are going to be my 'go to' fic choices when I need a dose of Chaubrey: there's just something about them which perfectly captures the Aubrey/Chloe dynamic, but in a way which really conveys the underlying reasons they are so perfect for each other.

Bad choices alert: who the fuck has a dolphin as their favourite animal?
You can never cuddle a dolphin the way you can cuddle a red panda, a lemur or tiger cubs.
People. Just ugh.
(disclaimer: dolphins are pretty aca-awesome in general)

They eat and get dressed and Chloe refuses to let Aubrey get online and research an itinerary for their trip. "It's just the zoo, Bree." She points out. "We don't need a strategy." - This is a perfect example of Chloe fail. That's *exactly* how you end up not seeing all the animals...

Aubrey takes off her glasses and hands them over to Chloe. "The sun isn't bothering me." She says when Chloe tries to protest. "And I can see the animals better like this anyway."-I am pretty sure I melted 100 times quicker than the icrecream.

Chloe gapes at her. "You shut your mouth Posen! How can you even say that? They're adorable." She looks back at the lemurs. "She didn't mean it guys; she doesn't know what cute looks like."-HAH. Also yes. They are fucking awesome. I am forever trying to stroke their tails. I am pretty sure the 'These animals bite' is just a guideline...

And to wrap it up, this line sums up why I am going to re-read this a hundred times, because it's an excellent analogy for the story itself-She wonders how, without even trying, Chloe makes her feel like the most special person in the world.

This is absolultely, hands-down, my favourite of all your fics.
griggles chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
I'm generally not a Chaubrey person but I really liked this.
ILoveAnnaKendrick77 chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so cute. Loved it.
BrookeEffyJames chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
Wow :D this was so perfect, I was going to be like "oh yeah, I loved this part so much" but I can't even pin point a specific part, it was all just so amazing :D you write Chaubrey so well and somehow you always keep in character. Omg you're amazing and everything you write is perfect and adorable and amazing... Yeah (;