Reviews for Letters To Sherlock
Guest chapter 69 . 10/17/2015
Please i need that chapter. I'm begging for it ""
jaimi-or-jaemi chapter 69 . 8/28/2015
Well that is a bit to consider, poor boys are feeling stressed right now
Astrido chapter 68 . 5/21/2015
hm, aside from the fact that i'm not sure it possible(the bomb thing i mean), it's nevertheless a very nice idea.
jaimi-or-jaemi chapter 68 . 5/14/2015
Well that's a bit of a situation to be
ChuYumeAkirameru chapter 26 . 5/12/2015
Got this far and I'm sobbing my eyes out. Soooo sad, and gorgeous, and here I am at 1 in the morning. UGH
jaimi-or-jaemi chapter 67 . 4/6/2015
Those two can be so adorable at times.
Weyhe chapter 66 . 10/24/2014
Absolutely a beautiful story! I just couldn't stop reading!
You're going to continue it, right? It doesn't feel finished.
I really hope you will! :-D
Weyhe chapter 19 . 10/23/2014
Great chapter, and great story!
Haha, "fangirling" - aren't we all? ;-)
Ladybug221B chapter 66 . 10/19/2014
Awe :) this fic is so wonderful. I am so happy to see a wedding between these two.
Rainbowbowties chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
*shkrishgh* What's that sound? Oh, it seems as though my heart climbed out of my chest and ran away sobbing...
Astrido chapter 66 . 9/6/2014
good chapter. the whole time throughout the chapter i thought something bad is about to happen, though. the vows were quite nice.
Sparticus328 chapter 66 . 9/6/2014
First wedding scene I've read for Sherlock and John that was...right. Flawless, beautiful, elegant, charming, and every character with exactly the right place, role, and spoken dialogue. Very nicely done!

The exchange about Lestrade's speech, and the speech itself, was wonderful. And Sherlock's letter to John during the ceremony was perfect! I think that may just be my favorite part!

A quiet calmly settling before the raging danger of the expected storm. Very nicely played out. And yet, I can't help but feel anxious about the threat to John's life... Still, I am looking forward to more.
jaimi-or-jaemi chapter 66 . 9/5/2014
Great chapter, their vows are just awesome
jackie chapter 65 . 7/26/2014
Great story!I especially liked the letters at the beginning.
It must have taken you a long time to write it. It is very well developed and all the characters ring true. I'm not a "slash" fan and I don't think the characters portrayed in the BBC Series are gay, but they definitely have a strong and loving relationship that transcends anything sexual. But I concede that since one of the writers openly gay,shades of it do get into the series. And that gives everybody a chance to let their imaginations loose. Better for all of us readers!
I'm 71 yrs old, and have seen all the Sherlocks. I must tell you that the Cumberbatch portrayal lends itself to this kind of thinking. You don't have to be straight or gay,man or woman, or young or old to appreciate an absolutely gorgeous man!So keep on writing!
I LOVE YOU chapter 65 . 7/14/2014
For writing this
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