Reviews for The Fox and the Hound
vanSane chapter 1 . 6/3
love it :3
there should be more KibaHina fics like this one :0
KiHi fan chapter 1 . 12/15/2017
A very nice story!
MissFaerieKaiti chapter 1 . 6/4/2014
Awwww, beautiful! Even with the couple strays from canon, the entire storyline was easy enough to follow. I love how Hinata grew with each story within this story. I also feel like it's sad that I feel the need to say this, because it should be expected from every author, but you did great in the grammar and spelling and capitalization departments too! Thank you, thank you, for this wonderful fanfic.
april31st chapter 1 . 8/29/2013
I kinda worried when you started to tell that hinata had became a mom and had a 5 month daughter. But when saw "the red fangs of the Inuzuka clan will be forever painted on her child's face", you dont know how wide i grinned. Great choice hinata! x/D

oh, beautiful fanfic anyway, thanks for making this
Guest chapter 1 . 6/23/2013
nice one.
Elixire J. Crow chapter 1 . 6/11/2013
this is totally great read. thank you so much. and yes I would always be kibahina fan/supporter forever. that devoted attention of his is all and everything that hinata need that bastard naruto doesn't have even just a little. frankly speaking, I read naruto manga now just to see kiba and hinata. nothing more. I ain't give a shit about the garbage story and that certain blonde-chicken butt head gayship. period. no offense to whom gay, but kishi just as suck as kubo in writing story. please write moar kibahina and you really treat me.
thedancingcrown chapter 1 . 6/10/2013
So cute
Anticia chapter 1 . 5/27/2013
Hey, usually I'm not much keen on HinataxKiba, I usually just stick with canon stuff if I think they work, but your fic is really a neat one, I liked it! )
It makes me understand why it would work between the two. Simple but consize(?), and true that Kiba has always looked out for Hinata.
Actually thinking about it Hinata probably would be better off with Kiba, Naruto can be SOOO blind and Hinata is so subtle... Kiba is caring while Naruto is oblivious. And in the Neji vs Hinata match I also thought that he is CRAZY, telling her to stand up when she is going to get killed - is that what he wants, WTF?! _;
Uhm, I'm not sure I fully agree with the last two sentences though, it depends. It depends on her will. Because it's true she doesn't HAVE to change if SHE doesn't want to, and would just only do it for others sake. But for me it really seemed like she DOES want to change herself, to be stronger in will, not to give up so easily because then she would always feel ashamed. But if if you meant that she doesn't have to change to be accepted because she IS accepted already then it's lovely way to put it. )
shyprincess82 chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
although I dont support this couple I really enjoyed your oneshot! HInata is by far my fav character off naruto and I absolutley love HInata with Gaara.. I have much love for Kiba too! When I first watched Naruto I liked the idea of Kiba and Hinata together but as the manga progressed I see Kiba's relationship towards her more brotherly than anything, but that is just my opinion. I also loved the title of your story...that is what first sparked my curiosity to read your fic. ...very well written. Thank you for posting this story I really enjoyed it
Flashing The Floods chapter 1 . 4/19/2013
Now this right here. *nod nod* This is good :)
Electric Splatter chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
Yes people still like this pairing! They're just under appreciated and hardly ever get a good fic about them! Unlike this one, which is super good :) The last lines were the best part. Also the whole thing seemed really realistic.
WolfPrinceKouga chapter 1 . 4/8/2013
This was a rather perfectly short and sweet story that mostly nails the appeal of this couple.

People still like non-canon couples from series that have been completed for years, so you shouldn't worry about people not still liking it(though I doubt you were totally serious when saying that).
hannahunnie chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
I love this pairing! Good plot for a story as well. it's a shame people don't write as much hinata/kiba as before...And you grammar is awesome too. good job