Reviews for Word of Mouth
Lilly chapter 1 . 7/16
Just wanted to say I was kind of liking this until you wrote Blaine as a smoking bad boy who immediately had romantic intentions with is sweet, not this kid...sorry, I really had hope for this.
Nevrandil chapter 16 . 7/16
This was wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing it

Nevrandil chapter 11 . 7/16
Wow..these two are spectacularly (that a word? ) bold or dumb to do that at the Puck's house.
(Also.. totally a Notp for me, but whatever floats people's boats _)

'Be careful with... the roads.' I like that you made Burt concerned, but not into a total prison warden type that I've seen in some fics, who loses his cool over his little boy dating / being physical with someone. Apart from the shotgun cleaning (nice touch, Burt though at first I thought Oh hell no..not again) that was a decent response

Uh oh..someone's gonna diiiiie

Nevrandil chapter 10 . 7/16
I noticed something: Kurt doesn't do his skin stuff *shock horror* ... and nobody seems to be brushing teeth when getting ready to go to sleep *ewwww*

Another great chapter _

Nevrandil chapter 7 . 7/16
Double negatives confuse the hell out of me so the Never have I ever game is just messing with my head. I thought they had to take an item off if they had done what the other said they hadn't? So according to that Kurt should have taken something off/a drink for speaking French and Blaine should not have for never having dated? Because he then took his socks off for having had sex, at the end...

Oh and they never got redressed after so when Kurt runs to shower the next morning he should still be naked. :)

Oooh you made Karofsky and Seb friends (and extra evil)?

Love these boys and their relationship (and by these I mean Klaine) _

Wonderful chapter

Nevrandil chapter 2 . 7/16
Loving this so far. Love how you write the boys.. Blaine calling Kurt Babe... all the sexual tension already.. the banter... Niff

madeliefdlvr chapter 17 . 7/11
Amazing story! Totally reccomend it!
Gleeful Darren Criss FAn chapter 1 . 10/17/2019
Ohhhh, you broke my heart right from the opening scene. Great writing, but I hope that Kurt's heart heals.
TotallyAGleek chapter 8 . 8/31/2019
leahmo34 chapter 2 . 1/14/2019
its really good . The story should have been longer.
leahmo34 chapter 1 . 1/13/2019
its good. I wish it was longer.
JP chapter 9 . 10/12/2018
I know this story is already up. But I wish Blaine would tell Burt about Karofsky and Seb.
JP chapter 8 . 10/12/2018
You. Are. Evil. With these cliffhangers! Loving this story. Really love this Blaine. I hope he beats the hell out of Karofsky and Sebastian too! I’m scared to see how this talk is going to go. Kurt just spoke out loud to his father. Can you imagine your first time and you get caught?
Guest chapter 16 . 1/31/2018
Cirmfjdjxjxiejendjdjdjd oh my gosh. I am obsessed with Kurt being ashamed of his voice and refusing to speak. I need to find every single fic in which he refuses to speak now just because of this. It was SO GOOD! Wow, just wow. Seriously your angst is perfection and it was adorable and my heart is w complete mess because it was just so emotional and WOWWWWWWWW
kr1411 chapter 1 . 1/25/2018
Sebastian, go back to your own body please.
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