Reviews for Vigilante
Guest chapter 29 . 3/10
That's Paul Walker's Song Stay Away From It
Danniella chapter 37 . 8/1/2016
That is the longest and most beautiful fic that I have ever read! The punctuation and grammar could've been better, but besides that, I LOVED it! (And started and finished it in the span of 2 days!) The first few chapters broke my heart and I can't believe I cried! And I loved the beginning, middle and ending! Please Continue to write more fics like this, I look forward to reading more of your stories!
ikan55 chapter 31 . 2/22/2016
snheetah chapter 20 . 8/17/2014
Finally found the time to read! I thought the chapters were awesome and thrilling! Luna and Artemis were two awesome twins and I am glad to read that Lexi and Ace are finally reunited!

Update soon!
thirdegree101 chapter 16 . 5/20/2014
Amazing story. I gotta know how it ends. Hopefully not like this.
snheetah chapter 16 . 5/15/2014
Awwww, the ending. Very nice chapter. I liked how the Loonatics had a nice time at the party, they needed a break for once, but yet they were on a mission. I'm sorry but the ending was just so touching. It seems so hard for Ace to be in the position that he is in and not fall in love with Lexi, because he loves her so much but yet he does not want to hurt her due to they conditions that they are in.

Wonderful chapter :)
Marina8 chapter 8 . 5/10/2014
Me a gustado sige asi
snheetah chapter 15 . 4/18/2014
Wonderful chapters! I was surprised to see Lexi (Chloe) hug Zack (who is really Ace)! Agh, she was so close but she didn't know that Zack was actually Ace in a disguise. I hope they have another encounter soon, so they can get together again. In the last chapter, it was really clever to create a twin brother for Pierre. That was really cool and good thing he gave up his life of crime. Huh, maybe a girl might come along and help him like it happened with Pierre :D. Anyway, I thought the chapters were very interesting and I hope that you update soon :D
snheetah chapter 13 . 2/12/2014
I am finally caught up!

I really liked both chapters. I liked it how you focused on the new members on the team in the previous chapters and added a very interesting backstory to them. I feel like the Shadow Claws, and it is also implied, don't even trust the police one bit. I wouldn't blame them after what they had encountered. I also liked the bit with Juno and Ace pretending to be couples. That was very funny :D

As for this chapter, wow! So much action and thanks to the Shadow Figure (Ace) for jumping in and saving Lexi in time. I really liked the name of the notorious gangster, Sharp Shooter Sam...its very creative. Ahhhh, you mentioned the Planet Harman girls and Holly! I hope that they will make an appearance in future chapters and help out the Loonatics, if you are planning on doing that.

Update soon :D
benji96 chapter 12 . 12/29/2013
Another great chapter dude. :) This was an awesome xmas present! haha
The Shadow Claws are turning out to be a very prestigious organization, I'll ask the question no one else would.. "how much money do they have?" :P I really like how the depth that you have gone to with this story with the whole history and the events that effected their alliance with the police.
I'll just ask you if you wouldn't mind making a character reference guide/list for each character on your profile or something that maybe just says: "Team, Name/code name, weapon of choice, appearance, etc". something like this I guess.
You don't have to, but it's just a suggestion because I'm struggling to remember some of the characters from each squad since there are so many new ones being introduced to the story. It may be easier for readers (if anyone else is struggling like me :P) to look at reference list then searching back through the chapters to find the description of the characters.
Otherwise, killer story man. I look forward to reading the next chapter, and finding out what Ace's new name is.
snheetah chapter 11 . 12/24/2013
Apologies for not reviewing in a long time! I am caught up with the chapters now and I have to say that they were amazing. I like the new addition on th Shadow Claws team, Juno and she sounds like an interesting character. Also, nice twist on having Zadavia be a member of the team.
UnwiseOne chapter 11 . 11/4/2013
Very cool story. Can't wait for the next update...
benji96 chapter 11 . 10/24/2013
I really like this story man, the conspiracy concept with the police and the Shadow claws is awesome and quite creative. I really hope that something big is gonna happen later in the story now since there are so many characters involved, and I wonder if the rest of the Loonatics are going to jump on board with Ace's new squad because Zadavia is the leader of it all.
Anyway, keep updating man because I think this is a TOP story :)
Guest chapter 3 . 10/5/2013
Guest chapter 1 . 10/5/2013
boo finish the story finish the story finish the story finish the story finish the story finish the story finish the story finish the story
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