Reviews for A Handshake With God - An OTP Easter Special
Alice chapter 1 . 12/30/2016
Oh, this tiny piece is my favorite WoWP fic EVER! Seriously, everyone is SO in character! I usually care only about Alex and Justin, but I love the way that you incorporated everyone in the story, specially Harper and Max, and everyone stayed so in character and completely hilarious. This fic is fantastic. Congratulations!
(oh and sorry if my english is bad)
lepylil chapter 1 . 2/23/2016
I don't even know if I can articulate how much I love this fic. I've read it twice now. It was just so delightful, in every way. I love religious themes in Jalex fics; however, often times it really weighs the fic down, making for an emotionally tolling fic. Which I do enjoy; believe me, I love heartbreaking, tragic stuff more than anyone. But this was not that at all, and I loved it so much more. There was a lightness all throughout the fic, and I can totally smell the Ivory-soap-chocolate-bunny-home scent of Justin. Alex's concept of prayer and communication with God is absolutely delightful. The casual touches between Alex and Justin were wonderful details. The way he supported her without even questioning it, the arm's just perfect. And then, Max's concept of theology and Harper's flirting with Father Greenwald (and the fact that you named the priest Greenwald) were perfect cherry toppers to this wonderful fic.
MADStar529 chapter 1 . 1/7/2016
Harper is hilarious. Max would think that. Alex being casual with her touches toward Justin. Love it!
unqueen chapter 1 . 10/14/2015
I. I miss this fandom so much. This is beautiful. Ahhhh hhh!
SKRowling chapter 1 . 5/4/2013
haha! i loved Alex's prayer, she had a positively spiritual experience.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/29/2013
please make a m rated justin and juliet from i beg you
Guest chapter 1 . 4/26/2013
Why hello there. Awesomeness as always. But OMFG PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE OTP SOON.. You're killing me here. It's been almost a year. What the heck man?!
Saint Alacran chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
That was very well written and funny!
Nur S'ba chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
Oh lord. As usual your Alex voice is eerily perfect, and as to the whole situation they're in, it was perfect to match. I was raised super-religious and I didn't even find this all that bothersome, but then, I do find slightly irreverent, sincerely-fumbling, making-bits-up-as-we-go type faith journeys extremely healing whenever I encounter them, so maybe that's just my background talking. Either way, I loved Alex's particular take on prayer, her "stop me if you've heard this one and you're not cool with it" approach, and just . . . yeah. No worries there.

The rest of it was sublime as well. I think why your writing MORE than works for me is your use of detail, the little additions that flesh them out and make them not only the characters we've come to appreciate, but just that much MORE. Harper gamely turning up at a Christian service to crush on the priest while wearing a seder plate on her head, Max wrestling with the confusing timeline of the brith-to-resurrection trek (very Solomon Gundy, born on a Monday, that one) and bringing up that time-honoured annual tradition, making the Jesus-zombie connection. Of course. Plus I loved what I suspect was a tiny wink and a nod to Selena's role as Beezus, teaching Ramona to humanely euthanise her gummy bears by eating the heads first. I think our responsible big brother would be sure to think that one through, and pass the wisdom along to his younger siblings.

I love your Russos as a family, in whole or in part, and here I think you've got the whole family down pat. And if I'm not going to hell for smirking over Justin's unwitting insistence that HE is Jesus, then hopefully I am also safe for the mental leap I took immediately afterward, thinking of Alex and Justin finding a smuttier use for "he is risen, indeed."

Um. Erm. Yes.

Happy belated Easter, and thank you for such a fabulous story to celebrate with!
TheRhythmOfLove chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
I'm a little ashamed that I find this so amusing. Loved the whole thing ; good job! You never fail to impress me with your writing and how in character everyone is :) May the force be with you.
ReadingIsSexy15 chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
Rofl! Good stuff! Good good stuff!
Rockgod chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
Here is what I was thinking after I read this part: "So let's have it dude, now or never."

She waits to be spectacularly obliterated.

"They launched their missiles!"

"What?" Some people ask confused by the outburst.

"North Korea the fired nuclear missiles at us and one is headed this way!"

Full blown panic.

They were lucky they were in the back as the crowd pushed the Russos and Harper out of St. Joseph's. As the crowd dispersed into the city Alex looked up into the sky. "You've got to be joking."

"It's no joke look." Harper said looking at her phone with a picture of a missile launch. " We have about twenty minutes."

"Justin," Jerry gets his attention. "Flash us to the wizard's lair, hurry."

In an instant they are home. "Max come with me, Justin get the portal ready and Alex stay here. Harper go get your parents."

"This is all my fault." Alex says aloud as Justin opens the portal to the wizard world making sure it did not shut down.

"How is that?" Justin asked packing a few family possession into a near bottomless bag.

"I tried to make a deal with God and he said, No."

"No to what?" He asked.

She gave him a glare and he knew. "Oh. Well, how about helping me pack?"

Alex stepped in front of Justin. Put her hands to his face and kissed him passionately. "Oh we are so going to hell."

"Not if you can think of a way to save us."

Justin paused what he was doing and thought. "Alex how am I supposed to come up with a plan to save the world in less than fifteen minutes after you ... Oh I got it, I got it."

Justin pulled out his wand. "Korean missiles sent to send us to hell, time to break down leaving the US well."

His wand flashed brightly. "Did it work?" Alex asked after only less than a minute.

Let's find out. Justin zapped the abracadoddler.

"It appears the missiles have all failed over the Pacific during reentry back to earth." We can only thank heaven for North Korean science. Another news anchor said smiling.

"No, just the J-man." Alex said kissing him on the cheek.
smithsbabe65 chapter 1 . 4/2/2013
This was adorable! And as a fellow ex-Roman Catholic that went through 12 years of parochial school, grew up under the yoke of nuns and priests and went through all the sacraments, I not only got the inside jokes at the church's expense, I greatly appreciated them! Awesome story, I really enjoyed it.
tilante chapter 1 . 4/1/2013
As always, you are the king of doing Alex's internal voice. Very nice one. Good call on Harper crushing on the priest as well, and very nice job on the 'magical family' weirdness and Theresa's problems with it (which are pretty much completely justified here).

A big 'awww' on Alex leaning against Justin, and him putting his arm around her. You know what a sucker I am for the fluffy!
TheWritingFreak chapter 1 . 4/1/2013
:D It's good to see an update from you!
I really liked this, even with the religious undertones. (I'm not Catholic) Alex's "prayer" to God was just her and it was great. The Jalex moment was very cute.
I'm going to go read OTP again now :)
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