Reviews for A Heart Stolen by Vampires
NekoDaemonQueenZelda chapter 42 . 12/30/2019
Almost four years and not only is their no update but the author hasn't even been active on the site for about as long. Check their profile, their other stories haven't been updated either. It's a damn shame but this story is dead guys. Kinda like Dark Embrace by mfait matresse the story this story was inspired from by the authors own admittance. Either the author is dead or the story is. Real life not withstanding, you don't drop off the map without even a peep too your fans for four years without EXTREMELY extensive circumstances.
miracle3339 chapter 1 . 10/23/2019
ok, so the dragonborn. A Strong, almost god-like being who wields the Power of the thu'um, something almost NO ONE ELSE CAN DO, and those that can have to spend years meditating and practicing just to get the BASIC WORDS DOWN. Is beaten by a random ass vampire. I'm sorry, but seriously? what the actual hell.
Guest chapter 42 . 7/16/2019
When is the next chapter?
FireInLife chapter 26 . 12/14/2018
Ugghhh. I've been worrying about this for a long time, and to see it actually happen...Bleh. I've really enjoyed this story, but I can't keep reading if this is how it's going to go.

Blood bond or not, the idea of Arela being intimate with Harkon...I hate it with a passion. The idea of Arela all alone while her brother and Serana go off on an adventure?

I hate it sooooo much. If it was only a few chapters, then sure, I would just skip over it. But I think this is going on for a while and...

Sorry, no, I can't keep reading. Thank you so much for writing to this point. But I have to stop here. I hate the direction this story is taking. And I don't know if it could recover, in my mind.

The strange power scaling doesn't help much either. Defeated Alduin, but Harkon is a huge, insurmountable threat. A voice so powerful, it can rip a vampire to shreds, but Akatosh can barely maintain a connection. Arela's doubts and personality changes all of the time, to the point I'm constantly trying to decide if she is weak or strong. Vampires are superhuman and incredibly powerful, but take forever to heal and are easily injured. And, to be fair, I know this isn't DBZ or a game or whatever. The winner of a fight isn't decided by whoever has the highest level. But I guess I just expected, idk, Arela to seem a little more powerful, consistently? For Harkon to be a threat, but not an all powerful, mad god. For injuries to not take a month to heal when they're vampires in a world of magic and quick healing potions. Idk. I think I'm mostly upset with Serana not taking Arela with her. Her whole wound taking time to heal just seems like a deus ex machina to make her alone with Harkon, and yes I'm still whining about that.

Idk. Sorry. This story hasn't been updated for a while so I'm pretty sure you won't be reading this. And I just had to rant and let my frustrations out. I really wanted to keep reading, see what happens with the dawnguard and Arela's brother, and see Arela and Serana start a relationship, and see what Arela's vampire ability would be (inspiration from Twilight? Gotta admit, I really liked that trait about Twilight vamps). But oh well.

CauZ chapter 42 . 11/14/2018
I'll admit, when I started reading this story, I wasn't overly excited to continue. But man, am I glad that I did. Your skill with writing increased exponentially as I read each new chapter, and my attachment to Arela and the other characters grew as well. And I know you won't let Arela lose yet, so please, come back to this story. It's been nearly 3 years, but I hope you haven't forgotten the hundreds of people who are desperately awaiting your update. You've started an incredible story, now you just need to finish it ;)
MoosterChoof chapter 2 . 9/26/2018
Nice nod to A7X
Guest chapter 42 . 7/16/2018
After 2 years there's still no chapter ;;
S7ncrasy chapter 41 . 10/19/2017
I need more of that serana and arela romance. Sigh. But this ffic is amazing. Like next level amazing. Please carry it on.
Yours truly. The avid reader
S7ncrasy chapter 42 . 10/19/2017
Where's the serana and arela romance at? I live this fic to bits but I wish it had more of the that couple.
Also this cliffhanger is literally eating away at my insides. I might die.
Yours sincerely an avid reader of this ffic
TizriScarletMinaWaggins chapter 1 . 7/31/2017
Please Please Pleaaaaaaaase dont let this just linger in limbo like all my other favorite fanifictions! this is soooooo awesome that i could not stop reading it! Please Write more 3
Fawn chapter 42 . 7/8/2017
What happened to the update you promised? can you leave off like this?!
OllyOllyOxycodone chapter 9 . 9/2/2016
Queue the cheesy 'dun dun dun' sound effect. I can't wait for Serana to appear in the next chapter or two. You'll throw in the dramatic fight where Arela or Serana get hurt but still win their encounter intact and a bit closer to one another. I can't wait to be surprised.
OllyOllyOxycodone chapter 8 . 9/2/2016
I'm already thoroughly sick of Cynric. Is it possible for fanfic authors to write an Elder Scrolls story without giving it a soap opera feel?
DegenerateDoofus chapter 30 . 8/18/2016
Chapter 29, you, sir, have me addicted to the song Stereo Love.
Guest chapter 42 . 7/7/2016
Love this. Hope it continues.
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