Reviews for Sáname
Guest chapter 13 . 2/17/2019
nice story. I like your ending
sherryfanfic1999 chapter 13 . 10/28/2018
Cheesy ending! But it fits. Enjoyed your fic very much. I look forward to reading more of your fics. Thanks for sharing.
sherryfanfic1999 chapter 11 . 10/27/2018
Oh, if I could say that to someone! Sasuke teach me! On the other hand, I wish someone would say that to me.
emowoods205 chapter 12 . 3/27/2017
no no no no no everything has gone to hell I'm going to take a break on this book for now it's too much
GoTherka chapter 12 . 8/26/2016
Now I actually believe Itachi is sociopathic, that or just simply a little fucked in the head xD Sasuke's amnesia... Can't say I saw it coming, but I'm maybe a little disappointed with this solution because it already was Naruto's defence mechanism, using it again in the same story doesn't seem very original. And Naruto doing what he's doing right from the start... I don't know how to feel about it. I know you are probably using the intimacy to spark recognition in Sasuke but I'm still disturbed because right now Sasuke should be mentally a child and I don't like Naruto's actions... I would have thought with him feeling guilty, he wouldn't dare touch him like that in such a vulnerable state
GoTherka chapter 11 . 8/26/2016
(for chapter ten) Okay, this is the point where my patience with Naruto finally runs out. Who the fuck does he think he is, trying to decide what Sasuke should feel? He is acting like a pitiful maiden and for that I resent him right now. He has done many stupid things but this is over the top. He has absolutely no right to say things like that and then have the gall to feel miserable about it! He himself decided Sasuke doesn't love him without listening, no wonder Sasuke didn't say anything after the bullshit Naruto sprouted! He often contradicts himself, trying to play martyr, but I seriously have no sympathy for him because I see it as selfish of him. It just shows that for him, it's not worth fighting for, so he's giving up just because it's not going to be easy and he is too scared to deal with it. In this I'm firmly on Sasuke's side. Fuuuh... Author-san, you are going to kill me xD my blood pressure is dangerously high. If I ever meet such a person in real life, who would try this shit like Naruto did, I swear I'll kill them because the world is full of idiocy even without this O.o fucking teenage drama... xDD sorry for my language!
GoTherka chapter 10 . 8/26/2016
Oh my God I love Sakura. I don't understand how you managed that, but I totally agree with everything she said in chapter ten! All my thoughts exactly regarding Naruto and Sasuke! (just her example with kissing strangers was plain wrong, I would never kiss someone I don't know, that's just disgusting, but with Naruto, something drastic had to be done) I'm in awe with you right now :D
GoTherka chapter 10 . 8/26/2016
(to chapter nine) He said that! I can't believe my eyes, he really said that xD but what, so he wasn't in fact so oblivious and was just trying really hard to deny it? God I want to strangle him xD and you know what, I just realized I've read almost all your other stories and didn't know, I don't get why I haven't read this till now! And I remember how annoying Naruto was in one of your stories and have to say, this is much much better. He is frustrating, yes, but not obnoxious or anything like that, so I have to applaud you :3 now I'm curious what's next in the story, I somehow doubt the troubles are just gone
GoTherka chapter 9 . 8/26/2016
He said that! I can't believe my eyes, he really said that xD but what, so he wasn't in fact so oblivious and was just trying really hard to deny it? God I want to strangle him xD and you know what, I just realized I've read almost all your other stories and didn't know, I don't get why I haven't read this till now! And I remember how annoying Naruto was in one of your stories and have to say, this is much much better. He is frustrating, yes, but not obnoxious or anything like that, so I have to applaud you :3 now I'm curious what's next in the story, I somehow doubt the troubles are just gone
GoTherka chapter 9 . 8/26/2016
Ehm... For someone who was positively frightened of Itachi and thought that he was murderous and with no boundaries, Naruto now talks about him ad if he was a sweet harmless kitten. I also believe Naruto's hunch but he still was really insensitive and tactless about it. I'm really surprised Sasuke didn't at least punch him, it seems he has a lot of patience. With constant dealing with Naruto, it's understandable I guess xD but seriously, Naruto is acting like a dick as much as Sasuke does, he also can't be sure Itachi did not do it (of course he probably didn't, but not the point), he has only a hunch based on two measle meetings, no evidence, but is crying that Sasuke isn't listening to him. Of course he isn't! I wouldn't too. Naruto really isn't thinking before sprouting nonsense that he "knows", because he really doesn't. itachi could very well be a sociopath, they are known to be charming people and fooling everyone until they kill you with gentle smile. Nope, I don't think your Itachi here is that, but that's just it, I can't know, I just have a hunch xD sorry, this I had to vent, dear Naru really is a hypocrite sometimes and unfortunately I have little patience with people like that right now :3 I can't wait for the conclusion of this story
GoTherka chapter 8 . 8/26/2016
Ah, there is the legendary and overused feeling something bad is going to happen. It's very cheap way of informing your readers "pay attention, this chapter will have some drama". Not working, it just spoils the building tension, because we know one way or another there will be something bad happening. I would advise not to do that, but hey, everyone have done that at least once. I laughed very hard during Naruto's conversation with Gaara about Neji. Poor dear doesn't even realize he is being a big fat hypocrite. Though sometimes Sasuke doesn't help the situation, it's now quite obvious he doesn't see Naruto as just a friend. Sometimes I can't help but hate such obliviousness. I hope Naruto will soon open his eyes or he will seriously hurt Sasuke with his friend-zoning xD Naruto really doesn't understand the danger he is in, thinking he would be able to stop someone from hurting him. Incredibly naive, but it's Naruto, he is a gullible child. Which is frustrating for Sasuke but still understandable, Naruto lives very different life and no one ever targeted him like that. It's unfortunatelly human nature to think nothing can happen to us... Itachi! Yes, I can't help but adore him. I'm glad Naruto can finally see a little it's not a game. And... well I normally hate when in fics Naruto cuts himself, I just can't see him doing that, but here I don't dislike it so much. To be honest I get some reasons why people do that, but to cut himself so much was damn reckless, if he needed pain there are much neater ways that slashing himself to the point of needing stitches xD Lol, Naruto deserved all the embarrassment at the hospital, it was him who initiated the kiss! And he still doesn't understand that "straight as an arrow" means no kissing between guys on regular basis. Smack him with a chair someone, pretty please xD I just want you to know that except the first paragraph, I'm not criticizing your writing or plot or the way you build your characters, in fact Naruto in particular behaves like a normal, slightly stupid, very naive hormonal teenager, which is just fine. I find most people frustrating, so you did a good job with him xD and Sasuke is still an arrogant mystery, which is good too. Sorry for this review, I just needed to say what's on my mind :3
GoTherka chapter 7 . 8/26/2016
I really like it was not the beating that was so traumatic for Naruto, but the thought that he couldn't save someone again after Minato. Aaand now we continue with his serious case of denial, dear Naru thinks he understands Sasuke but nope xD people generally should stop assuming things, I find it prevents many problems from occurring
GoTherka chapter 6 . 8/26/2016
There really IS a serious reason for Naruto's forgetting! Yes! I know it will probably be something horrible for him to suppress the memory, but even so I'm glad. I would say more but I just can't wait to find out :3
GoTherka chapter 4 . 8/25/2016
Naruto... is an idiot. A clueless moron. Sometimes it feels as if he was dropped on the head as a baby xD sometimes he's so frustrating it hurts! and Sakura seems nice (and holy cow, because I normally dislike her very much) but seriously overconfident. Back down, girl, will ya, you are no match for him -.- I'm kind of anxious about the Uchihas, with them there is always a drama guaranteed...
GoTherka chapter 2 . 8/25/2016
Oh wow... I would be pissed off too, if Naruto simply forgot. I almost hope there is a serious reason for it, or else "bad memory" is a bad one and Naruto is a dick. Otherwise... I love it! Very well written and the characters are great (though I still hope Naruto has a condition so he can be excused for forgetting, I would be insulted too!)
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