Reviews for Branded Under the New Moon
Swa-Sa Masou chapter 7 . 7/6
I am late to this party and not far in, but I'm loving this.
I have a rough outline of a similar story (you wrote it, I found it, now I don't have to!) but I've been playing around with the plausibility of Jake not murdering any of the other wolves who became intimate with Bella and worrying over reactions.
So, I don't know if you ever got flack for those details or not, but I'm super pumped for you that you didn't cave if you ever did.
Still hoping for a Happily Ever After ending.
Great story so far!
Letyoursoulonfire chapter 1 . 6/29
Despite the horrible reviews left by some jerk, I thought this was an excellent story. It had a really unique take on how Bella should have been after the Cullens’ return. Please finish the story. I’d love to know how you planned for it to end. :)
TennesseeCaliforniaGuy chapter 19 . 6/29
You do realize how this would never work rightright if this was the in place of canon? Edward can't criticize them, but they criticize him? WOW.

All this about how he hurt Bella... Ok but she is completely fine now.. Broke her? She is doing fine.. She got over how she was... Canon worked, because she didn't... And that proved she felt the mate bonding as strong as Edward.

So Edward can't be anything except Bella's bitch.. You have it in your mind that Edward was this controlling abuser! It's infuriating and wrong. I can't read on cause I might become nasty with the reviews...
TennesseeCaliforniaGuy chapter 18 . 6/29
I'm gonna be brutallty honest. You know how to write with limited mistakes.

Butthis story is trash. How is the main crutch of the plot Edward leaving? That doesn't make any sense. When you have Bella as a slut and Bella used and tossed Edward away in chapter 4 did she not? So the fact the main problem in this relationship is Edward is absurd.

Also you seem to think the canon Cullens were enablers? Too what? Edwad tried to ward her off, she still came back to him. MAYBE you need to rewatch the movies or read the books buddy. BELLA WANTED TO BE A VAMPIRE. That;s why the family except Rose were so open to her.

Twilight wouldn't even be a thing if this was how the plot went. NO one like a whore. Then for the whore's being a whore to be ignored or ANY OF HER FLAWS to be ignored, THAT'S BAD writing.

Because if this is how Bella choose to live her life after Edward left, then he was right that Human's are fickle and that she would move on.
TennesseeCaliforniaGuy chapter 11 . 6/29
Ok I need you to know that BELLA IS A SLUT, why is no one saying anything about that? It's all about EDWARD leaving her, and that's fine, he was wrong for that BUT hello? Bella is a used up cum rag.
Darth Destructis chapter 1 . 5/18
Hey man i do want a beta reader but still no word
Missysue32 chapter 4 . 3/2
Damn! Bella took what she wanted and now she is throwing the sexy vamp out! But does she really believe everything sexy vamp told her or is she just pissed the hell off?
Passionate86 chapter 26 . 2/3
this shouldn't be marked as a completed story if it's not actually finished. I feel like I wasted my time at this point
Guest chapter 25 . 1/27
hope she just imploded.
eclipseisbest21 chapter 1 . 12/2/2019
You really shouldn’t mark a story as complete if it’s not complete!
DawnScarlet19610 chapter 25 . 4/19/2019
I don't know who that Guest is that left all of those horrible comments right before mine, but don't believe a word of it. That person is really a piece of shit to say those things. Your story is excellent and very realistic.
DawnScarlet19610 chapter 25 . 4/19/2019
Amazing story! Is there a sequel? I can't find it. I always thought that Bella was much too forgiving of what Edward did to her in the books. She was pathetic. This strong Bella you wrote is much better. Please update!
jitzter14 chapter 25 . 11/18/2017
wow well after all these years im back to reading twilight and what a fic u have written...I love this new Bella and the way she held herself and the choices instead of the pathetic weak minded character that Stephanie Myer kudos...
SugarQueen93 chapter 25 . 8/9/2016
This story is amazing. I love how you portrayed Bella. It just seems more realistic. I never understood how she forgave Edward so quickly in New Moon after he abandoned her and caused her to enter a despondent state. Like we know they love each other, but that doesn't change what he did. I really wish you would finish this story. Also, I think the impairments of Bella's brain are also prohibiting Alice from seeing Bella so clearly in her visions, but that's just my theory. :)
jk chapter 13 . 5/27/2016
I saw that bella had gotten rid of the clothes we got her...and I cried...I saw a trash bag and I cried...I read a paragraph in a binder...and I cried..

for a man Edward sure cries a lot! fucking pussy
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