Reviews for The Improbable Opponent
Rookblonkorules chapter 1 . 4/19/2018
This is definitely a promising start. I can't wait to read the rest!
wswpub chapter 7 . 8/21/2017
why did you quit writing? you are very good. you have a knack for drawing the reader in and helping them to connect with the characters. very well done!
AndurilofTolkien chapter 7 . 3/20/2017
great job
AndurilofTolkien chapter 2 . 3/20/2017
love this
MistressOfImladris chapter 7 . 1/14/2017
I don't think I will ever get tired of reading this story! Great work!
Nako13yeh chapter 7 . 1/15/2016
xD THIS made my heart so happy to see Elrohir become a Captain. x3 I dunno why, but it really made my heart swell with joy. And it matches so well with your other story too~
aps80 chapter 7 . 6/3/2015
Absolutely brilliant.
PityBe chapter 7 . 3/24/2014
Gosh. What a great story. I loved it until the very end. This final celebration was everything Elrohir deserved to have. I am glad with this end of the story. Thanks for sharing it.
PityBe chapter 6 . 3/24/2014
And the best grandparents of Arda as well... Elrohir is a lucky elf...
Guest chapter 5 . 3/24/2014
Elrohir has the best parents of all Arda... That's official!
PityBe chapter 4 . 3/24/2014
What a victory! And yes yes... I also should be worried about what is coming now.. Poor Elrohir.
PityBe chapter 3 . 3/24/2014
I was sure Glorfindel would come. He loves Elrohir. This Enel is a bad guy...
PityBe chapter 2 . 3/24/2014
Elrohir is a great warrior, isn't he? But it must be hard to be his mentor...
PityBe chapter 1 . 3/24/2014
This was a great beggining. I love stories about the twins.
aronoiiel chapter 7 . 12/2/2013
Gah I kept it together until Elladan's toast! What an absolutely stunning end to a really emotional story. It was so healing to the soul to see the brother's laughing in the beginning. Glorfindel ever being the solid rock in Elrohir's turbulent emotions and Elladan his never fraying tether. Just beautiful. I cant even properly express how much I enjoyed this chapter and this story in general. I am so used to Elrohir the healer and Elladan the warrior I wasnt sure I could really see the switch. You pulled this off masterfully and to be honest the peace this last chapter has brought to my heart and overall feel of the story will be with me for many years. I am glad I waited until I was mentally and emotional clear to read this. You have made my experience quite unforgettable and I thank you, my master stoyteller, for a truly wonderful tale _
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