Reviews for Welcome to Wool's Orphanage
Guest chapter 1 . 2/18
I don’t know why people always assume that a child’s hands and feet would look small from a child’s eyes, apart from toddlers and babies who’s limbs are proportionately much shorter, children are generally proportioned similarly to adults and so the hands would look tiny they would look normal sized.
And adult sized hand on a child’s body however would look like a giant hand.
Point is it the natural interpretation of the perspective would be that other things were bigger than they were supposed to be as opposed to the body looking smaller, or a more humerus indicator could be the realisation that the certain developments were missing ( e.g body hair, scars, e.t.c)
SasuNaru's Loyal Fangirl TDDUP chapter 18 . 2/4/2018
Thank you I was skeptical to see there's only a bit more chapter left and they're still on the orphanage
SasuNaru's Loyal Fangirl TDDUP chapter 1 . 2/4/2018
I love you! For the first time I found a good writing consisting time travel, shrinking back to a child, and in Wool's orphanage! Been reading and searching in the time travel section, but all I really want is something like this again. This is where my curiosity lies. I've only read like one or two, maybe three other with those three categories so yeah. Not to mention I love your writing style, it makes me really imagine them
cinthya chapter 18 . 5/14/2017
what the heck i love this tom, thought this harry is lame, but okey, i thing it is interesting, and they are no theives... that was rather unfair.
The Wayland Smith chapter 1 . 7/22/2016
I really like that you haven't gone with the usual methods (broken time-turners, ancient spells Harry has cast, or the veil), it's nice to see a different approach for once.

Apart from that it seems well written and the premise isn't too far-fetched. I am interested in how this will affect his personality. Will he continue to be grumpy, or will it change him for the better?

There are actually quite a lot of questions to be answered: who is he thought to be? Was anyone behind this, or was it just an accident? If he isn't Tom Riddle (which I wouldn't be entirely surprised at, but it would make the child's interaction with him weird), who is he? In any case I look forward to finding out.
Kurami Rocket chapter 10 . 11/2/2014
I seriously want to laugh at your author's note at the end - 'He jinxed it. Didn't he?' Lmao. Considering how much fate loves Harry, I would be surprised if things actually went perfectly.
Kurami Rocket chapter 9 . 11/2/2014
I'm surprised that doctor told them about magic and just left like that too. Lol. Hmm.. Interesting so far..
Kurami Rocket chapter 8 . 11/2/2014
Well..that could have gone better.
Kurami Rocket chapter 7 . 11/2/2014
Lol. Nice, Harry. Can't wait to see Tom's reaction! :D
Kurami Rocket chapter 6 . 11/2/2014
Hmmm.. Good chappie. Was nice of Tom to bring Harry food. I always did think that if Tom had a friend who understood him, who would always stand by him, than maybe, just maybe things could have been different.
Kurami Rocket chapter 5 . 11/2/2014
Awww, poor Harry. His new life is already going to hell, but don't worry golden boy! I know u and Tom will be great friends!
I just love them together ok! No, not like that! I mean, yes, they are soul
mates, but in the platonic sense!
Kurami Rocket chapter 4 . 11/2/2014
Lmao. Harry, honestly that Harry and his hero complex. Smh. I wonder if he will ever shake those suicidal tendencies. Can't wait to see Harry and Tom's interactions. And of course, how and when will Tom find out that Harry has magic too!
Kurami Rocket chapter 3 . 11/2/2014
Lol. This is funny so far. And omg, at the end with Tom suddenly being right up in Harry's face! Had it been me, I believe I would have fell backwards and yelled, 'Holy crap!' xD

Hmm, this should be fun at least!
Nanettez chapter 5 . 8/27/2014
'Tom Riddle is rather creepy... but I love him!'
He is interesting but I could never love him.
Hana Verrier chapter 8 . 6/24/2014
toms like "prove it bitch!" and harrys like "I SET U ON FIRE MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA2
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