Reviews for Kibble
AlaskanFan chapter 1 . 1/2/2019
What a hoot! Tony's even trying to protect the dog from the wrath of Gibbs. And Tobias' cheap aftershave -HAHAHA.
laraquick chapter 1 . 10/28/2016
They found Hap's mom and reunited her with her family. That's wonderful. Happy ending for Hap, his little sibling and his mom.
redstickbonbon chapter 1 . 9/1/2014
And another in a great series! I have now spent the better part of my evening reading these three. Thanks again for a fantastic story.
tealrose chapter 1 . 7/12/2014
Haa haa! Here's your review ;)... Very well written...truly wish they had done the show like this, as it has just not been the same... :(. Would not say no for more of this universe... :). T
bobbieturn chapter 1 . 5/23/2014
What a great finale to the story. I so enjoyed both. I am slowly but surely working my way through all your stories and enjoying every one. I love your writing style. You are great with the descriptions and the dialog, which is a real talent. Thanks for sharing!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/24/2014
enjoyed this
Guest chapter 1 . 7/9/2013
Loved your stories. Great characterization.
Proseac chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
Lovely! I always love a happy ending, especially when it involves puppies or kittens... even stinky ones! xx
earthdragon chapter 1 . 4/7/2013
I never thought of Gibbs as an animal lover...but I love this story. Hap sounds like a lovely dog and the perfect companion for Gibbs.

Sadly, puppy farms are extremely cruel places - there are still a great many of them in the UK, although I understand the authorities are trying to clamp down on them and stop them trading once and for all. It is no surprise that these abominable trades also exist in the US (and probably many other countries too). I wish people wanting to purchase a dog would realise that buying animals on the cheap only encourages this cruel trade. If you want a dog - either go to a reputable breeder or, better still, visit a rescue centre and adopt one a dog from there.
Technophobia678 chapter 1 . 4/1/2013
Annnnnd once again, I'm stuck studying when you release something new and I only get time to read it a couple of weeks later. Hope you enjoyed the Easter weekend.

This was a cute little oneshot, just a final note on the universe and how the characters moved on. Hap is adorable and his antics make this really funny. I'm glad he stayed with Gibbs. And finding out where he came from and finding his mother-awww. That was an unexpected but sweet resolve of that issue.

Gibbs as Assistant Director...must say, it's hard to picture him as one but not so much in this universe where he went on some soul searching. He seems a lot more at peace in this and has accepted what has happened and moved on. With help of course from Tony, Hap, Fornell and the others. And the final scene-kibble everywhere and Tony, McGee and Gibbs eating together-very sweet. And funny with Hap-my cousin's dog got into a tin of Celebrations around Christmas last year-it wasn't a fun couple of days after that. Never underestimate a dog's resourcefulness when it comes to food. A very nice, homely ending to the universe and makes everything very contented. Glad to read it :)
Gail Cregg chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
As always you're welcome! Besides you couldn't leave him yapping for attention on that pier!

Loved "The dog I mean, not Jenny", and a dog that's half horse, bringing in a previous case, rescue of Haps' mum, the image of the boys on their hands and knees and that last line.

Sad to see the end of the S&F verse. Maybe Hap could make a guest appearance in another fic...
unilocular chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
so glad i finally got a few minutes to review this one! loved it! it was a great ending to the last story! i really like how you showed gibbs growing into his retirement and enjoying hap's company. loved him talking out things with the dog and the mini-case that you threw in. definitely don't blame you for glossing over the details of the puppy farm, those can be brutal places. but you saved hap's mom!

also LOVE the end where gibbs is ordering hap like he used to the team and the dog listens!

overall a great story! :)
megamom2 chapter 1 . 3/22/2013
Another story filled with warmth and sentimental charm! I've been feeling a little burnt out lately, so I've treated myself to rereading your other stories on . Besides the engaging plots and original supporting characters, your phrasing is fun and a learning experience! It's really not American style (please don't take that as a criticism!), but sussing out the meanings of some words or phrases is endlessly entertaining! For instance, one of your author notes said something "pongs" and I had to search the net for it's origin, never having heard the expression before.
Thanks for sharing your talent!
kunturorqo chapter 1 . 3/21/2013
Wonderful story! Takes me back to the first dog my husband and I got as a young couple. Pretty sure it was a puppy farm we got her from. For all of her life, Cassie (our dog) would not eat out of the food bowl. She would grab some kibble from the bowl, then take it somewhere else to chew on. When she finished, she would do the same thing. She always seemed so scared that the food would be taken away or disappear. She was a puppy when we got her, but never outgrew her fear. Our current dog we found wandering the streets. After putting ads in the paper and at the vet, we kept him. Whenever we get mad at him or yell, he immediately curls up and bows down, looking like he's scared and afraid of being hit. We've had him over two years now, have never hit him, but that behavior is still there. Needless to say, I pet and pamper him...a lot! Sigh. Puppy farms should be put out of business, and some people should not own dogs. But, not much the average person can do. Anyway, really enjoyed your story! Hope to see more soon! Hint...hint!
ladyaloysius chapter 1 . 3/21/2013
Loved it! Nice change from the emo-angst stuff! Thanks!
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