Reviews for Beauty of the Heart
Sentariana chapter 8 . 7/5/2008
I LIKE IT! I like it!

'"Get the hell out of my restaurant!"' Hahaha!

Update soon!


ThePureLily chapter 8 . 6/16/2006
Umm... Muahaha? *small voice*
sabrina chapter 8 . 3/20/2005
may you please continue this fanfiction.

i realy realy absolutely love this

amethyst blossom chapter 8 . 5/13/2004
wow! great story! its so sad that the people in that town pick on Syaoran in his cursed form... I wonder what made Sakura act the way she does to Syaoran, too. I realli like Eriol and Tomoyo's personality too! they're really nice...please update soon! :D
personwithnoname chapter 8 . 2/7/2004
wow!this is a great story,but Sakura is seriously acting like a b*tch.i just hope she gets please please please please update soon! :)
Mercury Angel1 chapter 8 . 12/15/2003
AH! Sugoi! I really like a lot. You've put in a bunch of really meaningful things to think about as well as a good plot line. You go! Keep writing!
Flora chapter 8 . 12/14/2003
Your story is really good so do continue. If they know about Eriol having magic that would be bad of Li later when Elders sent more people to kill him. Wouldn't it? do not know but you do so I can't wait for the next chapter.
sally chapter 8 . 12/14/2003
Interesting! keep it up! Can u e-mail me when you update! THX
SS43v3r chapter 7 . 11/12/2003
o my gawrsh! omg omg! this is gewd! freakin' update already!
AshN chapter 7 . 5/17/2003

You know, I reckon this is a wonderful fic. You must excuse me, for I really don't intend on being a nag, but could you possibly find it in your heart to update? P Just a friendly reminder. ) -Ash *Hunts you down with an axe* :D
sakura and syaoran for ev chapter 7 . 5/4/2003
oh i c..

um..its interesting
SAL-Chan chapter 7 . 3/24/2003
O! O O! It look like a storm is comming form off shore somewhere! Im hoping for plot twist and interjections form some reven haired, ruby eyed relative too (? just thinking out lowere here) I can never tell with your stories though...Great job and continue please (Soon!). - You've left Destiny Challenged alone for too long to...(~winkwinknudgnudg~) Keep going. - TTYS!

~A happy~ "SAL" a.k.a. SAL-Chan
silverymare chapter 7 . 3/18/2003
Things aren't looking good for Sakura and Syaoran. Poor Showron... Sakura shouldn't be his true love if she doesn't love him, all of him, whether he is disguised or not.
BluSkye425 chapter 7 . 3/6/2003
Wanna hear my theory, it's probablly wrong, but it seemed like to much of a coincidence to me. Ya know how Shaoran has the curse on him to make him ugly on the inside? Well i thought that possibly sakura had a curse on her that made her inside ugly. i'm crossing that theory out and just sticking to a less cmplicated one, possibly fujitaka died and it turned sakura into this.

Any way, ths is a real goodstory andi hope it stays SS throughout the whole time.
Ash Night chapter 7 . 3/2/2003

Yay, an update. D I must agree, suspense is very good. So I take it that it's not going to happen; Li turning back to his normal self because Sakura confessed her love, huh? I didn't think so, too predictable and boring. Though I am awfully curious about what you have in store for the upcoming chapter and the ones after that.

Anyways, great chapter. Keep it up and update soon, I'm sure a lot of us are just dying to see how this all adds up.

Take care and keep writing. ) -Ash
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