Reviews for Scheduled
LoveMyHouse chapter 1 . 3/26/2013
Very fun and sexy story!
BJAllen815 chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
What a fun story! Loved him pretending to make a schedule at the end.

Oh, and forgot to put this in the last review... Go Buckeyes!
maya295 chapter 1 . 3/22/2013
I find this one-shot absolutely fabulous! You really do have an immense talent at depicting House and Cuddy with what defines them on both sides of the personality scale. I love that you don't just depict Cuddy as a worried, caring woman that needs to be in charge, but adds that layer of fun and banter to her character, too. The conversation about masturbation in her kitchen is a pure gem of womanly teasing...
And I love that, through your words, we get to see House's sensibility and almost emotional fragility behind his mocking, self-assured shield, as well. The scenes where he just kisses her softly, with raw, genuine tenderness without trying to take advantage of her arousal (even if he does, eventually, and that was probably not done innocently) mostly show just how much he lusts after her but respects her so much, he is letting her decide when, where and how to give him the green light that he awaits to get to reap the fruits of their mutual desire. And I love that it is so unquestionable, even then, that this is, indeed, beautifully mutual.

I love those layers you weave. I love ther dialogues (sincerely brilliant - of all the fanfics' writers, you're undoubtedly among the ones I love the most because you deliver a truly realistic characterization of their persona) I love Cuddy's urge to make him want her. I love how House lets her and how impatient she gets. I love how you turn the tables and shift the obvious to a more uncommon reaction that still feels like them : Cuddy letting hersef be overwhelmed by her needs, in the here and now and House patiently waiting to trigger the right reaction from her.

The sex is extremely well written, in the sense that it is both superbly suggested with beautiful metaphors but also simply bluntly described when it is required, with just that perfect amount of images and actions that makes it... I don't know... adult. That's the only word that comes to my mind when I think of it. You are making them be who they are: a man and a woman, mature, experimented and unashamed hen it comes to express their sexually driven inner selves. I love that.

I LOLed at the neighbor banging on the ceiling to make them shut up when their lustful shouts became too much out of control and I thought: Oh my! Poor Wilson... now everyone in the building will *really* think him and House are gay! ;D

Anyway, thank you for that beautiful, very original story. It makes me regret not to have enough time (sady) to read your longer stories because I really, really like your writing style, and your ideas, and the way you depict the characters a lot. Damn. Why aren't days, like, 48-hour long, instead of just 24?! :P
vicpei1 chapter 1 . 3/20/2013
Very enjoyable and just as light-hearted as needed. I'm pretty sure House has routines, tho. Someone who hates change as much as he did has to, only not for the same motives that Cuddy has.
He loves messing with her routines, maybe she could mess with his?
ThisLadyWrites chapter 1 . 3/20/2013
Absolutely loved it! Hope to read more such one shots from you :D
RochelleRene chapter 1 . 3/20/2013
Such a cute, sexy one-shot... I thank the "Cuddy" that made you do it. ;)

First of all, I thought the build-up to their masturbation convo was really believable and natural. It's hard, in a one-shot, to not rush to the sexy little crux of the story. But two adults with all this sexual tension sitting together in the evening... It totally worked and I "bought" that they would start joking that way.

House was just that fun, sexy, confident House throughout this story and I loved it: "You should definitely tell me this." LMAO! And we know Cuddy loves this House too: "She watched while it looked like he might just say the dirtiest thing that she had ever heard, the sort of thing that would make her mouth open with shock and hands move to her hips with disgust."

But in spite of this way about him, you keep the endearing vulnerable part of him threaded in there - like when he seems sort of sad to leave after the kiss - so it feels like so much more than just sex. In fact, all the kissing is just so sweet that it's still sexy, but much more this seems like a romance one-shot. And even after the sex you conjure that this was about more: "She rubbed her cheek against his shoulder in a particularly affectionate way that he immediately knew he liked, so he held her closer."

And as I've told you before, I love how you can take just a few words and describe complex subtle moments we don't have a particular word for, i.e. "her voice was raspy, the voice of an aroused lover until it turned into the voice of an offended woman." And you capture such deep stuff in your little careful phrasings: "His eyes shifted away and back to her."

My one and only criticism. Say "pants" not "slacks." Slacks make me think of my grandma. My grandma was a sexy lady, but still. ;)

Wonderful one-shot. I hope you'll do more.
Alex chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
Wonderfully written and fun!
HuddyGirl chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
Jane Q. Doe chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
How I wish we'd all been spared Lucas! I did have a mental picture of Rachel's bedtime routine when Cuddy first mentioned it - a little gymnastic type floor exercise. LOL Those Cuddy women are advanced I tell ya!

(PS - I got behind on Newly Renovated, then figured it was going to be short, so I'd catch up when it was completed and review en masse. keeps growing! Now I'm caught between wanting it to be done so I can dig in, and knowing it must be great if you keep on writing. :) )
Abby chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
Very good story.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
OMFG! That was so hot! And, all of it sounded just like them. I love this House and Cuddy!
Reader chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
This was way better than just filling the water dish ...
byte size chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
omg i love u!
Suzieqlondon chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
You write the best smut ever. Known fact. However, I prefer your kissing scenes even more: so romantic, hot and sweet! xxx
Huddyphoric chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
Loved it! Super funny & sexy. Kudos.
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