Reviews for Oh Snap!
shthar chapter 4 . 7/7
Like the story sez, she's been in combat for years. And the only people that combat doesn't make crazy, were ALREADY crazy.
Uberscribbler chapter 4 . 9/14/2019
And here I thought this little missive to the eternal struggle betwixt ego and id was complete. Should have known better, I suppose.

I would argue that this does indeed 'move' the story a nudge (or more) forward. KP is now acknowledging she needs help; her prior forays into counseling were purely driven by legal requirements, and the author demonstrated rather conclusively that, well, her mental wiring isn't exactly typical or receptive to conventional techniques.

If this is where the story ends, that's fine. If not, all the better.

Either way, thanks for posting. I knew there was a reason I kept the author on my "Favorites" list.
Dedischado chapter 4 . 9/14/2019
Wonderful to know this story isn’t dead. Interesting chapter as well, can’t wait to see what comes next.
Fremde Is Not Taken okay chapter 4 . 9/14/2019
Oooh an update to THIS story! Yessir I love!
Bubblezmith chapter 3 . 2/13/2017
But... But... Where's the KIGO?! Or KIBO?! Or even KIRO?! LOVE CONQUERS ALL, or am I just deluded from all the fanfics I read... OH BOOHOO, BOOHOO, BOOHOO... ;P

But seriously, where's the lesbian loving? Come on man! Get with the program, get to the loving resolution already, we want the sappy tender crap that works. Sure it takes years of therapy with some one or thing to focus on, and as we have seen some thing didn't work. Get to the someone already. 8)

Validate our faith in good old LST. FHBO(French Her Brains Out), any kind of non-familial loving because she needs some MAJOR stress relief to focus on.

Hell that girl needs some genuine languid slothing, and whom better than Shego to teach her how(nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more)(WINK, WINK)(Nudge, Nudge).

Get on with the sweaty therapy, I've heard it works for humans.

BTW Loove your work. Big Fan.
TheVampireStrahd chapter 3 . 11/30/2016
This was a great Dark Kim story. I would really like to see more but here is a good place to stop I guess.
Dedischado chapter 3 . 9/5/2016
I really liked this and hope you continue or expand it. I think there are entirely too few stories about heroes who stand up and say "No, That is too much and I will go no further and take no more." Kudos for writing one right up my alley
LycanRed chapter 3 . 5/13/2016
I want so much for this to be expanded, but either way, damn good read. I've always had a thing for imagining the darker, more realistic complications that are(rightfully, given the nature of them) ignored in certain animated universes, and this tickled that fancy just right. Kudos.

scifijoe chapter 3 . 5/6/2016
An interesting story of Kim having a PTSD episode. I had found this story too dark for my taste. Dr. Director was almost useless as she cut Kim loose very quickly. Dr's Possible did not help. Still, if you continue, please show Kim getting help or are you trying to destroy Kim?
SithKnight-Galen chapter 3 . 2/17/2016
Well, I don't really have a lot to say on this, other than maybe wanting to see how Bonnie might be dealing with having the tables violently turned. I wouldn't mind seeing maybe the perspectives of some of her support group when dealing with this new aspect of Kim, though. The new Kim is definitely darker and more terrifying, and not just on a physical level either. Having to deal with PTSD myself, I am wondering just how long she is going to be able to cope in her line of work before she does become unhinged and have an "episode" which she might not come back from. Or will there be a point where she can step back from the cliff for good.
jtdarkman chapter 3 . 2/12/2016
I like it I hope it's not done though
Orionslave chapter 3 . 1/3/2016
Wow...wonder how would the ends turn out if Shego liked Kim (which she does) and said so...damn
gerbilHunter chapter 3 . 12/15/2015
I guess my problem with this is that though it is marked "Complete", it doesn't feel at all finished. It's well done, and I buy the conflicted Kim and her anger. Her rage is such that she's not quite rational in the final scene - she won't write people off as animals, but she's not sure she wouldn't stand with people who would. Shego is talking calmly and keeping her distance, but Kim is on the edge of attacking her. But this story is only the end of the beginning. The last line is an acknowledgement that Kim has a lot still with which to deal.

Kim can't win the "bigger monster" fight, and she's bright enough (when not consumed with rage) to know it. She's a bigger monster than Bonnie, who's a shallow cheerleader. She's a bigger monster than Drakken, who's essentially a coward (though he may be sufficiently insane to pop his head up again, anyway). She's a bigger monster than Shego, who's really just in it for fun and games by now - and who could have shot her from ambush, rather than talking with her, in chapter 2.

But is she a bigger monster than Gemini? Than Dementor? Than Jack Hench, who could hire any number of assassins? Than any of a passel of new villains that might pop up? When is she going to have to follow through on her threat? Is she genuinely willing to do that? It would almost certainly cost her Ron, who could not live with a person who could do what she has promised. It would likely cost her her family. But she has to follow through, or it loses credibility. Kim is at the abyss, staring in.

There are a lot of directions this could go. I'd love to see where you take it. But as it is, it leaves me hanging.
Fremde Is Not Taken okay chapter 3 . 12/14/2015
Oh? So this isn't over? There will be more? AWESOME! If so, you should probably get rid of the 'Complete' Status :)
Concolor44 chapter 3 . 12/14/2015
"The Fear of Kim". I like that. Seems legit.

Darkken, however, is something of an idiot savant. He may forget completely how scared he was of Kim at that moment, reassuring himself for the (did she say 73rd?) I-guess-it-would-be 74th time that his genius would prevail and the great Kim Possible, who Thinks She's All That, would never foil him, muwahahaha...

Right before she started flaying him in earnest.

I really like how you're handling the Hero's Dilemma with Kim. Shego's point about Kim being MUCH more dangerous than she is carries a lot of weight. If Kim really DID snap, and decide that the two-legged insects infesting this ball of dirt really WERE beneath her ... well. As some have said, it doesn't bear thinking about.

VERY glad you decided to add this chapter. It answered a lot of questions.
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