Reviews for Letters from the Front Line
Leara Bribage chapter 41 . 9/8/2017
This has been the most poignant work on WW1 I have ever read concerning our favourite fe/éls. I have found myself crying and laughing as I went through it all. I really felt like I have experienced a smidgeon of that war-torn era, and that is quite a feat. I am so happy that you have written this because I have learnt to experience emotions once more. Perhaps that sounds a bit odd to you, but I have been through certain traumatic experiences in my life, and it has left me quite numb sometimes. Like, sure, I still can imagine vividly. I can feel joy, sadness, angerin bits. I do not know exactly how to fully express it in English, but that is sort of what I have been going through. Until this. Until reading this. I have began once more to feel the thrum of emotions better. You remind me why writing is breathing, and for that I am really grateful. I loved your characterisations, the plotline, and everything basically. Perhaps if I was feeling better before, I could have offered to be your grammar beta, so I could have aided you when you needed it. But I think that, for all these flaws, your work remains great. It exudes warmth and life, even if it sounds paradoxical when the matter involves war. But that is life, no? I am just really, really happy I have read this, and I thank you so much for it.
Smithy chapter 38 . 1/23/2015
Sounds to me like the Spanish flu is getting its' tentrahooks into people. I looked it up, it killed between fifty to a hundred million people, and in the tiny hamlet of Niagara-On-The-Lake, there is a cemetery where some soldiers had died from that virulent strain. Thankfully I have not come in contact with anyone who has had the flu, but my brother David'd daughter Petra got it, then he got it, then my sister-in-law Joy got it and my niece Melinda may have gotten it.
Smithy chapter 1 . 1/23/2015
I kind of had a feeling that the boys would go off to fight in the 'war that ended all wars'. I love it.
saharajohanson chapter 41 . 7/28/2014
Well the end. I have read this story for a long time and outside of this story my life has changed so much yet this story has always been here. I'm a different person than I was when I opened the first chapter. And now it doesn't feel like I'm closing the page, it seems more like saying goodbye to an old friend. Thank you for always remaining constant when everything else was changing. Thank you for helping me transition into this new chapter in my life. Thank you and farewell.
Much love always,
soundslikepeanuts chapter 41 . 7/17/2014
Ahhh I love the ending! I'm so happy they got together in the end, when the flu appeared I thought you were going to kill Eponine! Very glad that didn't happen hahaha
I loved this story, kindof sad it's ending! Look forward to new one though :) nicely done!
KindredSouI chapter 41 . 7/15/2014
Beautifully and magnificently done! I thoroughly enjoyed reading all of this :) The epilogue was bittersweet, with another oncoming war, but also Enjolras finally being back home and married to Eponine. I can't wait to read more from you!
Roshshippy chapter 41 . 7/8/2014
Yay! I loved the ending! This was really great! Thanks for sharing it with us... Can't wait for your next story! :)
shadows-of-1832 chapter 41 . 7/7/2014
In short, I thought the ending was fitting.
Going into further detail, I liked how you kept the Epilogue in the "letter" format, yet still had a story and reasoning behind it. Liked the arguments made, and how it related to the times. Loved how Enjolras' experiences since returning from war were written. Unfortunate things happen when one returns from war, and his was no different.

Perfect way to end it.
clairlune chapter 41 . 7/7/2014
I am so sad it's all over! I will absolutely be following future stories!
yellow111 chapter 41 . 7/7/2014
Yeah, that was a really good ending. Thank you for writing this story, I really enjoyed it!
jdotess chapter 41 . 7/7/2014
This ending was PERFECTION! Thank you so much for investing your time and talent into this story and sharing it with the rest of us! I look forward to reading more stories from you!
Lady B90 chapter 41 . 7/7/2014
I love this. This was the perfect ending, it tied up all the loose ends perfectly and I love that you kept it in letter format while still letting us know how everything turns out. And Eponine's account of what happened to Enjolras sounded very natural, a lot of times I've read stories where it sounds too forced but this was perfect. I'm so sad this is over, but so happy with the finished product and I will definitely be keeping an eye out for your other stories!
dmc6792 chapter 41 . 7/7/2014
A wonderful story has come to an end. I would have liked a little fluff but you have done a fabulous job! Congratulations!
astoryinred chapter 41 . 7/7/2014
Bravo! The first paragraph of the letter had me grinning, well till you got to the dire realities they are dealing with. This fic is so in tune with history, so poignant, and very, very human. And I love where the post-war crusade goes.

More power to you and your writing!
snowflakeswift chapter 36 . 7/4/2014
I feel like you should change the names of the characters, beautify it a little, add a little background, and sent it to a publisher.
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