Reviews for Between a Rock and a Hard Place
heather03nmg chapter 1 . 1/27
Just read it all and there’s no ending. I’m crushed. Please finish. That was a lot of torture with no comfort. We need the comfort!
Sj123 chapter 45 . 8/13/2019
Wow. I know I’m quite late to the party but just wow. This story NEEDS an ending. It is absolutely superb. The way you capture the very real emotions going through someone like Sherlock made me feel like I was in the room witnessing the whole thing play out in front of my own eyes. This story was written so well and caused so many sleepless nights focused on just reading one more chapter and being sucked into this world you have created. Your rendition of Mycroft was also interesting as we have come to think of him as emotionless and he is often presented in other works as more of a machine than man, but to see you display such a vulnerable side to him, I feel is very accurate and makes this work more favoured by readers. I think this is one of the best stories I have read in quite a while, in fact I was so impressed that I made an account just to favourite and comment on this post. Another thing I adore about this story, or more about your story writing skills, is the lack of hesitation shown in writing the torture scenes. They were so raw and believable that as a reader you can’t help but respond according to the story (sometimes with tears). Thank you for such a lovely read and for displaying all of the great things that can be done with fan fiction. My only requests are for an ending to this story and maybe a follow up to show how all of them (if they all make it out alive) rehabilitate themselves into society once more and continue with their lives (I would be happy to help with writing that story If you’d like). Thank you once more.
gabumon7 chapter 45 . 7/3/2018
Any more updates to finish the story off?
Guest chapter 10 . 5/28/2018
I tried, I really did, but this feels like excessive torture porn. I can handle a lot but this is too much. It is well written but just WAY too much and, unfortunately, will not be able to finish.
Guest chapter 45 . 2/2/2018
Guest chapter 41 . 2/2/2018
It was so much better when you had the names up when you changed pov kinda ruined this chapter when it takes abit to know whos pov your in
LuvFiction Xxxx chapter 45 . 12/29/2017
Please please please lease please wrap up this story! Just one as chapter (or two) to tie it all together? Please? I know it's been a long time but I think we'd all grately appreciate just one last chapter! We're all hanging on this cliff here begging for a little help! I absolutely loved this! I've been waiting on the rescue for 45 chapters! You can't leave me there! I need to know! I need closure! Please please please don't torture us anymore! Haha!
The writing is absolutely superb! I love how describtive your writing style is and how you wrote the characters. Special shout out to the comfort scene! I desperately needed to read that! This story really deserves to be on my favourite list! I really do hope you decide to update! It's killing me not knowing! I can't express how much I loved this in this review.
Final note: you're amazing!
Kathy Hastings chapter 1 . 12/4/2017
OMG! This is still hanging over the cliff? I don't know why I re-read it hoping that it'd be finished this time when the total chapters hadn't changed. Please, please, please finish this! It was such a good story and you - and we - have so much invested in seeing the end.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/29/2017
I know it's been two years, and you probably don't feel like there's any point in updating this anymore. But you should know that there plenty of us who were truly touched by this story. I check back in on it every once and a while and have been doing so for the past two years, because I can't quite seem to let it remain unfinished. The day that you post the final chapter would honestly be an amazing day, and would give me some much-needed closure going beyond just this story.
Rockelgriffiths14 chapter 45 . 10/28/2017
This is the torture story to end all torture stories! It's so good and this is no joke, my third time reading it. I know it's been forever but you should really update it! Pretty please!
Guest chapter 45 . 8/18/2017
The best fanfic I've ever read! Seriously, the plot is awesome and captivating, and the characterization of the personages is absolutely perfect, of all of them! Also, I think it's very realistic the way you make Sherlock John and Greg act and think (especially think!), they're in no way out of character. You manage to convey all their emotions to us readers, I constantly have a lump in my throat while reading this ' (and maybe, just maybe, you made me cry more than once). Your fic is simply perfect in every aspect, it's fantastic!
Can't wait for the next update! Please don't make us wait too long .
Have a nice day :)

P.s. sorry for my English!
Aelaer chapter 45 . 7/31/2017
Omg you haven't updated this in two years I'm going to cry. I need to see the ending!
Littwink chapter 45 . 7/26/2017
oblivated person chapter 45 . 7/2/2017
This was an amazing fanfic ! The best angst fanfic that I have read and the torture scenes... all I can say is holy crap that was THE best visual imagery that I had of the many other torture fics. I have read in Sherlock, Dragonball Z and Harry Potter scenes combined. Your interpretation of the characters were so good ( loved the protective intimidating side of Mycroft) that I wish that this fanfic was actually an episode in the series. I was speechless when I read your you are so talented ! Officially the best fanfic that I have ever read in my life. I had fun reading it.
But why did you stop it ? I am sorry for not asking this question as it is selfish of me to think that you might not be busy but please continue this fix at least tell us what happens if Sally arrives on time or too late.
TheSecretSherlockian chapter 45 . 6/21/2017
Pleaaaase update soon! This story is amazing!
I'm also a little twisted myself... But I don't have your brilliant imagination and writing skills! :)
I was on the edge of my seat while reading this (literally). Your writing style is great, thanks for this wonderful - and slightly horrifying - fanfic!
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