Reviews for BlitzKreig
IOTR chapter 1 . 11/1/2009
Oh wow. Amazing and realistic and reality isn't perfect. Lovely writing and characterization. :)
lazy fat kitsune chapter 1 . 1/9/2007
wait wait wait! I didn't review this? Ugh...I'm such a dumbass. Anyway, this is pretty realistic. i like the way you used Yuki's psychological condition and focused on its impact in their relationship. And the bit where he actually restrained himself was absolutely touching. Good job.

On a side note: what's Blitzkreig means?
Talliana chapter 1 . 7/9/2006
Really nice.. Something else ;)

Bye the way.. it's called "Blitzkrieg"
Ashcat chapter 1 . 10/11/2005
Wow..this is a really powerful fic. I really liked it and I think you added a lot of gritty realism to the situation!
Kamikakushi chapter 1 . 3/24/2005
Hn...I felt that I didn't give this fic a good enough many years ago. ; So I decided to do my past review some justice and write another one (since this fic gave me a lot of good inspiration for angst).

Out of all the Gravitation fics I have come to read over the long hull, this has is without a doubt my favourite above favourites. Beautifully written, haunting imagery, simply, yet a paradox. A fic that carries the title "angst" proudly. This really is truly an amazing fic, and it will remain very endearing to my writer's heart, and will always be one of my favourites.
sailorspazz chapter 1 . 3/7/2005
I agree with the other reviews that it's nice to see a fic that really deals with Yuki's emotional problems. He's a complicated guy, and having to deal with Shuuichi can't be easy, no matter how much he loves him _
Hecate18 chapter 1 . 2/20/2005
Wow, this is really deep! I was so engrossed in it, I just loved the descriptions of Yuki's deepening anger. I found it very clever the way we never found out what the arguement was about, although the fic was based on the arguement, the reasoning behind it wasn't really important. Great fic!

funscone chapter 1 . 10/27/2004
oh... wonder what they were fighting about... Yuki wasn't in the best of moods... great writing... lots of love /Helena
YaoiKitten chapter 1 . 10/24/2004
That one was really great. The angst worked and you were unafraid to show the depth of Yuki's temperament. This one is going on my favorites list. Oh, by the way, you have great descriptions. I read your other gravitation stuff, and let me tell you that the way you put together adjectives is really great. The dialogue seems natural and unforced, as well. Lots of cussing, which is appropriate for these fics. Good work.
firedraygon chapter 1 . 7/25/2004
The tension was beautiful. I really enjoyed reading as Yuki controlled his violent urges. Please write more soon.

Brieze chapter 1 . 11/13/2003
Awesome! One shot? Or Not? Hope there's more!
Jm chapter 1 . 12/9/2002
Yuki is very furious in this story! I think it's not like him! Why did Yuki got mad? I kinda don't understand it. Sorry! ) I hope your not mad. But I'm waiting for the next chapters because I believe that this is a very interesting story!
GraviGirl chapter 1 . 9/15/2002
Whoa...that was...quite...out there. It was great. The total feeling, the anger, the seething rage, it was so perfectly described. You gave me chills; terrific job. _
Sekki chapter 1 . 9/13/2002
Weee! Because we all dance and grovel at Pyne's feet with her greatness in portraying the realistic, very much overlooked in the yaoi-fandom giddiness, relationship between someone like Shuichi Shindou and Eiri Yuki.

Now anyway, this stupid thing on the bottom says I should comment and tell you what could be improved on. Well, you know what could be improved? getting rid of their NC-17 ban and us all living happily ever after!

As for your story, no complaints here, I like the realistic approach. *nod, nod...nod* Okay, I'm gonna waddle off to bed now~~ so much to do tomorrow. wohoo!
foggynite chapter 1 . 9/10/2002
that was... undeniably human. and beautiful, in its own way. a well-thought out piece.
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