Reviews for Like Flying
Rainekita chapter 17 . 5/5/2016
I absolutely love your writing and this is the BEST supernatural story with Cas falling that I have ever read. I see that you haven't updated in awhile, and I hope you are doing well. It would be a terrible shame for this story to be abandoned because it is phenomenal in every way and I selfishly want you to keep going (finishing this and even onwards past Christmas). I know reviews can help motivate, but whatever you decide to do, thank you for such a wonderfully powerful piece of writing and masterful characterization.
Guest chapter 18 . 4/26/2015
Omg...this has been my favorite thing to read in all of fanfic ...i love it...please don't stop
Sars0D chapter 12 . 1/5/2015
I don't usually review mid-chapter, but totally had to here. Holy freaking crap, that chapter was stunning. Utterly frustrating, but completely brilliant. OMG, POOR CAS.
Rainekita chapter 18 . 12/5/2014
This is probably my favorite supernatural story. Your characters are OOC compared with the current season, but that's actually a relief. I think you are blending vulnerability, realism and strength into each narrative convincingly and I can't wait to read the next installment. I hope that you update soon!
evilpinklollipop chapter 18 . 11/28/2014
So can I just say, I'm crying. Which, yeah, isn't some awe inspiring, ground breaking event that should be celebrated. Or noticed, hell even acknowledge. Which it isn't. People cry, it happens. It's not a thing others usually give two shits about, especially with a stranger. I get it, totally understand that. But let me tell you. This- this crying thing -this 'unbinding inability to stop oneself from letting it go and just freaking crying' -I don't do that. I don't. Not over something as simple as a freakin, god damn fictional story on a common website. I've been reading and sometimes writing for a very very long time. I. Don't. Do that. A broken leg, food poisoning, just getting so fed up with a situation, crying while sitting in a hospital bed just not knowing? I get that.

Crying over a story? That not me. No. Nu-uh.

But these are heart wrenching, painfully hot tears flowing down my face right now, and I don't have any control. I'm sitting here, mind you, in my pajamas wiping at my face desperately as I shovel anything and everything into my general direction that could resemble happy thoughts. I'm watching television. I'm listening to preppy upbeat pop (which, yes. Still sucks as much as it did in the 90's) it ain't working. I'm freaking burning right now. My face, my chest -god damn it my heart- everything is just burning with a feeling that I can barely understand myself, let alone describe it in a review. This.

This story is a god damn, brilliant masterpiece.
Igniting chapter 18 . 11/25/2014
Is it really crazy that i still waiting for updates? Please... It is killing me!
favbbycas chapter 14 . 10/10/2014
can i just say, thank you so much for writing this fic. its one of those that changes your life, you read it over and over and it breaks your heart every time. its one that belongs in the big book of fics that should be preserved for all of humanity for forever. you're awesome.
Happily Ever Never chapter 18 . 7/28/2014
First off: This story is great. :)
It simultaneously makes me smile yet also keep stopping to sigh in mild frustration.
First up let me say, you are a pretty great writer. Your style isn't my all time favorite, but you do what you do well.
The characters are deep. The settings and attention to detail are profound. The story is flowing nicely (if not very slowly).
The idea that you had was a great concept. Fallen Castiel coming to terms with human life next to a retired Sam and Dean. Excellently executed. Enough angst to smother a box of baby kittens and the emotional and mental trauma that was bound to manifest as soon as the boys tried to sit still for longer than a few days. I find it incredibly believable. It's sedate, but for the feel of this story and your style, it fits.
On your note that you are beginning to question the characters ooc-ness brought on by season 9: Don't.
Every fan girl in the Destiel verse was mildly horrified that Dean just sent Castiel out on his own without so much as a pat on the head.
IMO it was the shows writers that were taking Dean OOC this season. For the past seasons he has been the way you describe him in this story. He is gruff but has a capacity to care for those around him. Cannon wise, Castiel is almost as much a brother to Dean as Sam is. That Dean tossed him out on his ass... Made for a story I guess, but personally I think it could have been done (much) better. A lot of season 9 made me frown. Anyway. Don't question your story because of it is my point. If anything, fangirls who didn't like what happened cannonly can ship your story instead. I know that I much prefer your take on Sam and Dean as people rather than the plastic action hero puppets it feels like they are becoming in cannon.
I think where you begin to question the quality of your interpretation of the characters comes from the fact that in your fic, you have them in touch with their feelings. This story is like: what would happen if Sam and Dean developed ovaries and started watching Dr. Phil. ( I jest in exaggeration but still ). They are basically facing the music after years of neglecting their emotions.
Don't question your take on it. It's un chartered waters and I think you are doing it well. Especially Castiel. You have kept him serious and given him mild depression but it makes him endearing. You put tragedy into the idea of being a fallen as opposed to the shows writers glancing over it like it was just another thing for their quirky Lazarus to bounce back from.

You and your love for the common comma (,) are going to dissolve my brain at some point. Some of your sentences are jarring to read because of them. I understand the allure. You write in a very emotional style and like the idea of being able to expound on a notion, or turn from it, or add to it, all in one sentence so that it builds to a point. It's a beautiful technique as long as it is not employed too often or drawn out too long. I'm not going to throw English rules at you. They are subjectional (especially grammatical ones in something as diverse as a story) but maybe consider sentences where there are more than four or five as needing to be restructured? It's just a suggestion. Take it with salt.
Another thing that can't escape my notice is your love for the curse word. That, if anything, is where your characters (Dean) feel OOC honestly. Dean is an emotional and angsty guy but he doesn't swear like a sailor out loud so I doubt there is all that much internal cussing going on either. Fuck is an emotional word. It sets a mood. It sets ambience and emphasis. But it can be overused quite easily. In fact, it's power usually comes from the fact that it is used sparingly. It's jarring. It adds a new degree of anger or fear or desperation. But when you drop it five times in a sentence, it actually can can have a rather opposite effect. Emphasis wanes. It just sets a fast pace for the reader and they simply get caught up and begin to glance over it. You should temper your use of it somewhat. A lot of writers get pulled into using it quite freely with Dean, but canonically Dean rarely ever swears at all.
Pace. Gods I'm not going to go near this point. You do what you do and it works for you. Personally I feel like you take three years to get to any sort of point (especially in the past two chapters) but I know that any suggestion or complaint I make is going to be defensively countered with 'that's the pace this story is set at' or 'it's a slow burn, you can't just jump into it'. If I open up on this point, even if I am only trying to leave a well rounded critique, I fear that it's going to either A) harm your motivation and offend you or B) set a bad tone for this whole review and that is never my intent. I guess I'll just say that while I love the content and the tone of your piece, I am used to a more succinct pace and deliverance. I've glanced over paragraphs at a time here and there and the story has been no worse for wear without them. Still. I said I was going to skip this point so I shall. I should also probably get back to work and stop this here. In short. I was really happy that I found this. I normally only like to read complete stories but deviated to read this and am glad I did. Still I wish updates were more frequent but I know life gets in the way. It would be nice to see this more regularly updated. I'll follow it and hope for more soon. (Please don't let my review make you think I disliked this at all. I only bother to review things that impress me. You have done very well).
Power Of Funk chapter 5 . 7/24/2014
So I'm only on chapter 5 so this isn't my proper review because I'm definitely carrying on but just to let you know in this chapter it says "monsters have been regulated to purgatory" and I think you meant relegated. I apologise if I sound rude but I've made mistakes like that before (curse you spell check) and I wish someone would have told me.
Guest chapter 18 . 7/3/2014
This was and is beautiful. I wasn't more chapters. Even if this were not concerned to the series and was just a story of love, it would be worth reading. I literally loves all of the conversations, realistic plotting and angst. Please keep this going.
Speary chapter 18 . 7/3/2014
I literally just signed up to just so that I could follow you. Your writing is awesome and I love the characterization and story telling so much that I can only hope that it will continue. This particular story is great because it gives the reader something that they will never get to fully see in the series despite the fact that the series should go here. Please keep this little AU going; it is perfect.
Jaeger chapter 18 . 6/15/2014
I can't. I can't even.
Like, what is this? From what godly blessed comp are you writing this? This is just... Ah, it's too perfect. It's a perfect piece of a pie from Heaven covered in sweetness, gold, Beyonce, with a rainbow, fabulous, rocknroll filling. And... ah... It's like I'm watchin a caleidoscop of awesomeness spinning...(well there are some typos here and there) The text is beautiful. The characters are canon. The story is touching. My screen just blurts out diamonds, when I read this.
So, praise the Overlord for giving you your talent.
And I wish you luck on your inspiration.
WAIT chapter 18 . 6/10/2014
OMFG Castiel really needs his wings back. Give 'me back!
WAIT chapter 18 . 6/10/2014
You gotta get a trench coat and a couple of suits and blue ties. Cas actually admitted he like Jimmy's clothes.
mishaminion42 chapter 18 . 5/30/2014
I love this so much...when will you update?
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