Reviews for Insomnia
Unterflieger chapter 1 . 4/13/2017
I really loved this, really! And poor poor kíli:/
Persuasive Sabotager chapter 1 . 3/8/2016
I can't tell you just how much this fic has affected me. I myself have Secondary Chronic Insomnia and have gone without sleep for sometimes five days at a time since I was nine. Staring off into space, hallucinations, memory loss, severe constant headaches, lack of appetite and of course lack of sleeping have been constant problems for me for years. The fact that I felt like I was Kili pulled my heart strings. Not many people understand whats its like to suffer from insomnia and unfortunately for me, my family's idea of fixing it is loading me up with drugs and hoping it gets rid of it. Except, my body gets use to the medicine so quickly that I relapse even when I am on the medicine and have a spasmic manic episodes. This is a great story and soo true at the same time. I love it and I wish that there were more fanfic's out there that dealt with true real world problems. Keep writing beautifully.

Peace! ;p

Persuasive Sabotager aka Kelly
Starngerfromnowh chapter 1 . 3/25/2015
I think that I'm kind of an isomniac. I can never sleep until after 3:00 in the morning. I am never exhausted, though. I just power through. It can be scary though, not being able to sleep.
Fizzydrop2000 chapter 1 . 8/1/2014
Poor Kee
Hi chapter 1 . 4/11/2014
Really good, you make it sound quite believable.
BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope chapter 1 . 1/7/2014
Wow. Poor Kili.
Lantrophus chapter 1 . 12/31/2013
Awww poor Kili :'(
I have insomnia, never that bad though. I'm usually able to sleep by the second day but only for a few hours. Nobody knows about you have insomnia? If you don't, the worst thing about insomnia would be is the feeling of loneliness at night because everyone else is asleep or knowing when it's daytime that you won't be able to sleep, I'm not sure if everyone else with insomnia feels this way though. Really good story by the way :) I look forward to reading more of your stories, reading helps me cope with it better.
wrmbutnotworm chapter 1 . 11/15/2013
I so understand how frustrating (not nearly a strong enough word) insomnia can be.
MercedesAsheSorrel chapter 1 . 10/30/2013
I thought it was really good! I've gone days without sleep and though I never hallucinated I can tell you, you described Kili's symptoms well. I also think you should write at least one more chapter with Kili one the mend and everything's getting better. But if you choose not to that's cool too. Anyway great little story and wonderfully described!
the-pony-wizard chapter 1 . 7/12/2013
Thank you so much for writing this... I don't know if you have insomnia too, but if you don't and were guessing the symptoms, you got them to a T. Although they're more severe than mine, they were correct and I enjoyed this piece. Thank you
13tash07 chapter 1 . 5/1/2013
Oh wow, this is beautiful. Poor Kili.
DwarvenWarrior chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
That was really good and you expressed the effects of the lack of sleep excellently!
Suheyla chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
Ugh, I know how Kili felt, somewhat. I've had problems sleeping and it's awful! This was really nicely written.
Mhyin chapter 1 . 3/13/2013
This was great! I would love a follow up story
Italian Hobbit chapter 1 . 3/12/2013
Oh, man. I know just how Kíli feels. Even going without sleep for ONE night causes me to see things and miss what people are saying - I can't even imagine years of it. You captured the horrible feeling of not being able to sleep SO well - and on the other side, you also captured the helplessness of those who can sleep to aid those who cannot. My problem was always that I worked overnights - and my roommate did, too. I was able to fall asleep when I got a chance, and everything was better; for her, though, sleep was so difficult, and I never knew what to do. I couldn't /make/ her sleep, you know? So I know how both Fíli (and Thorin, and Dís) and Kíli feel. It's terrible on both sides.

Ugh, this is such a good piece. You're a great writer - I was captivated the entire time I read this! I really loved the beginning, too - it started out as something a little different, and then segued oh so smoothly into the actual story. It flowed so nicely, too, and you captured the emotions beautifully. I think my heart literally hurt with sympathy for poor Kíli.

I'm gonna have to check out your profile for more writing! You're good! Cheers :)
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