Reviews for Dumbledore's Army and the Casualties of War
xAtelox chapter 80 . 4/25
I know I'm late to the story, but I've just finished reading all 80 chapters and wondered whether you'll be continuing this fic?
drhabost chapter 80 . 8/21/2019
This is awesome. Coming late to the party so I’ve read the 80(!) chapters all in a row and I’m amazed. I love how you’ve captured the characters. The chat is great, the relationships perfect. I like all the pairings. Have to say Dean and Lavender is one of my favourites and I really want to see more of that. Loving Seamus and Katie as well. It’s nice to see some less known characters fleshed out. Looking forward to Neville and Hannah as well.
jeremiah123 chapter 80 . 9/2/2018
Jack chapter 13 . 6/2/2018
Bloody brilliant
HeRonLove chapter 80 . 5/9/2018
Great she accepted him being a wizard.
sinzin7924 chapter 80 . 5/8/2018
I hope your Thesis involves Harry Potter. While Harry Crow (by Robst) is my favorite overall fanfic, two of your scenes (Ron, admitting to Neville he left, and Fred's funeral) are my most favoritest moments in literature.
LUKE chapter 79 . 5/3/2018
Pleaseeeeeeeee keep writing this fic I love it.
Bluest Witch chapter 12 . 4/16/2018
I love this chapter. It closes down the whole Prophecy Boy quite nicely. Neville finishing off Lestrange makes sense and the posterior interaction with Harry adds the final touch. *Claps*
Anthony chapter 79 . 4/4/2018
Oh goodness, I'm invested in this one now. I read them all up to 79 in the last few weeks.
HeRonLove chapter 79 . 2/8/2018
That was nice of Hermione to give her that potion.
mdauben chapter 79 . 2/8/2018
Interesting chapter! While the "sneak" hex sounded funny in the book, the idea that she would be permanently scarred does make it seem unnecessarily cruel. I'm glad Hermione could finally do something to fix her mistake.
Jgorman chapter 78 . 1/28/2018
Right so just read while story in 2 days, if you could make a habit out of updating every second day it would be much appreciated
Valypuff chapter 78 . 1/24/2018
So happy to read something new from you! Not my favorite ship, but they are cute... please come back soon!
mdauben chapter 78 . 1/24/2018
Its always fun to get a notification for this series! Its interesting to see how Seamus and Katie are moving forward and dealing with their lives. I like that they are facing some "normal" issues of evolving relationships and growing up and that its not always all about the PTSD and loses from the war.
lojosmom chapter 78 . 1/24/2018
I love Seamus and Katie together. This chapter made me laugh. It was just so Seamus!
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