Reviews for Make You Feel My Love
junebugsparkles chapter 1 . 1/10/2017
Wow great story! I love the idea of Rick and Beth together and her being a mommy to Judith.
Nena Cero chapter 14 . 9/13/2015
You "soundtrack" is so on point. I agree that Beth doesn't seen like she'd be into Mariah Carey...I once stopped reading a fic where that had Beth sing Taylor Swift...

After I read this story, I came upon a Nick Cave song being used in a different and truly horrible way in regards to Beth (what were the chances?) and I came back to this happy place.
Tmctflyboy chapter 1 . 12/30/2014
awesome beth/rick story! the world really needs more of them in it.
Ro0w'z chapter 7 . 3/12/2014
cute way! but poor Beth looks set to suffer a little
Ro0w'z chapter 1 . 3/12/2014
I like slowly introduce the affection and interest of Rick Beth is very credible in my opinion!
cemmia chapter 14 . 2/17/2014
Amazing story!
Lunatr chapter 14 . 1/14/2014
I love this fic really. but I wanted to know what hapen after that. The thing with Hershel and that kind of stuff. Hope you thinking about a sequel :P
Guest chapter 14 . 12/18/2013
This was beautiful. I hope you write
more of these two
Celeste Belle chapter 14 . 12/13/2013
Can't wait to read the sequel!
little miss michelle chapter 14 . 12/7/2013
Never thought of them as a pair but loved this story!
sunita92 chapter 14 . 11/19/2013
omg. amazing story written by you again. you're so good! im going over to read the 6 chapter story that you said it's sort of a sequel to this story. will you be writing another rick and beth love story? do let me know. i am so keen(:
steffy2106 chapter 14 . 7/30/2013
Once again I loved this sorry. You are. Very good writer nd your Rick/Beth stories are so realistic. This ship might never sail but who cares you kind of make it real. Thank you for that!
steffy2106 chapter 11 . 7/29/2013
Love the story! I squealed like a crazy teen for the kiss!
steffy2106 chapter 7 . 7/29/2013
Such a cute chapter! Iove the gift
Neon Rainfall chapter 14 . 5/2/2013
Thank for sharing this story with us. I really enjoyed reading it and look forward to reading future Rick/ Beth stories from you! :)

I liked how you wrapped this all up. Rick talking on the phone in a previous chapter was really great and the wedding from this chapter was also sweet. :)
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