Reviews for long awaited
Kaishin chapter 17 . 5/1
Please! Update!
Me chapter 17 . 1/31
Can we have more chapters I am loveing it all
SlytherinishRavenclaw chapter 17 . 9/3/2019
Is this story finished and posted else where it is so good and enchanting!
Ame's world chapter 17 . 8/10/2019
Wonderful fanfic !
Thanks a lot
Guest chapter 17 . 6/12/2019
I love is can we have more plzs
bluepillfanfic chapter 17 . 1/17/2019
this is a great story. thank you for sharing this story. I know this may never be finished but is story is great. I wish I could have read more about the art and read about Remus reacting to the wood art. who doesn't love a house that acts like an over hyper 5 year. sev and emerald meeting for the first time would be great.
supergirl superman chapter 17 . 11/21/2018
i wish you continued this
Mie Mie chapter 17 . 8/14/2018
You know I truly would have liked to see this finished so that I could keep a copy for myself. Have you ever thought of coming back and finishing this. Even if you did it at another site, I would ecstatic.
Guest chapter 17 . 12/28/2017
Is there going tobe more to this story coz I love it and would like to c some more of it
ZianaSue chapter 17 . 12/17/2017
i need more. i need to know how the foursome progesses. i need to know what natalia's ferak smile at the end of chapter 17 meant for skeeter. i need to know how severus will handle Emmy (Emerald Lair). i need to know if harry is able to get pregnant, even though he is a phoenix and severus is a nightshade. actually i want to see that happen and end successfully with a healthy, happy, alive baby or three. in essence i need more of the story.
Emma chapter 1 . 10/31/2017
I really like this story and am eagerly awaiting the next chapter. When is it coming out?
Saosa chapter 17 . 10/29/2017
I love this story line
If you ever, EVER continue know that you have a reader waiting
meleah chapter 17 . 10/10/2017
more please
alinefgs chapter 17 . 3/26/2017
adorando essa fic Dumbledore indiota para de controlar a vida do Harry porque agora ele tem o sev e já pode cuidar de si mesmo bjs
shera98 chapter 17 . 3/23/2017
I love this story. The quartet idea is amazing and I hope to someday read more. I am sure Harry and Severus will hit bumps in the road as well. If you ever want to finish this, know that I for one will be excited.
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