Reviews for Hunters
paulc chapter 38 . 2/28/2014
I love the way, in all your stories, T'Pol is imbued with her own distinct animus. She functions as an strong individual, not as a mere foil for other characters, although I recognise that the essentially cryptic nature of 'Vulcan' persona offers drawbacks as well as opportunities for her interactions with others. I find the balance you have achieved in your portrayals adds another layer of riches to your already compelling stories.


I STILL disagree with the ending of El'Toraya.

My very best wishes

Guest chapter 3 . 12/23/2013
shitest story ever
maj229 chapter 38 . 5/20/2013
Mary, Mary, quite Contrary, where has your story gone. We're all waiting for this most fascinating of AU stories to be finished.
Alelou chapter 38 . 4/30/2013
Maaaaarrrry. Maaaaarrrry Contraaaaaaaryyyyy! Where are you? We miss you! We want to know what happened, (Also, we hope you didn't have your soul get eaten by demons or something.)
Guest chapter 1 . 4/13/2013
Somehow the whole Trip and Tpol thing got a little gross with her as his nanny...
MP - Mary Contrary chapter 38 . 4/1/2013
Deepest apologies, but I may have to step away for awhile, perhaps as much as a few days. Maybe more, probably less. Will return a.s.a.p.
Guest chapter 38 . 4/1/2013
So very well done
jackiemack916 chapter 38 . 3/31/2013
Alelou chapter 37 . 3/31/2013
I overdosed on trust falls and their ilk when I spent a summer as an Upward Bound counselor, so that didn't do a whole lot for me, especially with Armageddon at hand - it felt a bit like an authorial delaying tactic, honestly - but even so I was still thrilled to get any TnT at all by you while I was hanging out in a hotel room with my trusty iphone. The battle stuff in this chapter (and next) is very well done, as always.
LoyaulteMeLie chapter 38 . 3/31/2013
Methinks Eisheth had better recognize when she's on a loser here! It's going to be a long ten minutes for her...
Jamieson Zed chapter 37 . 3/31/2013
Hehe...I was thinking "Hulk SMASH!" before Felicity remembered the movie. Love the action in this chapter, and also T'Pol's thought-process as she tried to follow Trip's direction - the notion of logic failing her because she had no concrete proof of his catching her, followed by his breakdown on just how she might get around that little issue, was brilliantly concocted. Great chapter!
jackiemack916 chapter 37 . 3/31/2013
Very intense battle scene. Well written.
LoyaulteMeLie chapter 37 . 3/30/2013
It's about time the demons got some ass kicked ... keep it up!
Jamieson Zed chapter 36 . 3/29/2013
Love the picture you've painted about the beginnings of their bond, how their minds perceive one another and they're able to uncover new truths not only about each other but about themselves.

...And you have to wonder just what their current traveling-distance/parked-on-the-side-of-the-road ratio is on this trip, because I think the side of the road is winning :-)
Alelou chapter 35 . 3/28/2013
I can't remember if Bobby is supposed to go off like a nuclear bomb now or open up the pit of hell or whatever, but I'm thinking that can't be good. This whole thing is reminding me a bit of True Blood now.

I'm loving T'Pol's logical, uncertain seduction of Trip's katra here. and I love the ending, too (even if the shifting POV distracted me just a bit).
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