Reviews for Bad Day
supercode chapter 1 . 7/6/2014
Great story!
IronAmerica chapter 1 . 3/2/2013
I'm surprised you haven't quit yet, at this rate... At least it makes for interesting stories.

Jamie, dear, we don't. Neither does Vince. Honestly, you'd think you would just take the day off and sleep or something. *sighs* She's dedicated, I'll give her that.

Vince is a sweetheart. He really is. But he does need to make Jamie just keep her day off. She could murder her boss. I'm sure Vince knows some people who could rule it an accident when his body made it to the ME's office... Heh. Vince should offer that to Jamie at some point. Sam is an idiot.

Poor Jamie.

Cute story. No quibbles.

XxDeathStarxX chapter 1 . 3/1/2013
"Hush. I'm pregnant, hormonal, and caffeine deprived." Lol, yeah Vince, don't expect any logic when Jamie is like that :D

"Well, it worked out well when I went to propose to you, didn't it?" It's not an everyday occurence that Vince makes such a great comeback. He really got Jamie good with that one. Such a cute reaction :)

Good work!