Reviews for Temper
Guest chapter 6 . 1/6
This was definitely better than cannon! Thank you! Spnlady
SkyHighFan chapter 6 . 7/17/2018
Nice! However, we know that Cas can heal grave injuries without causing that kind of a fuss. He healed Lisa who was for sure mortally wounded (Dean said so himself) and it drew absolutely no one's attention.
AllShallFade777 chapter 2 . 4/5/2018
Ha, Dean should just run over Don on his way into town. Like, just run him over and be like, 'what was that? Heh, probably nothing important' and keep driving. Solve the Don problem quick and easy.
AllShallFade777 chapter 1 . 4/5/2018
Dean's gonna hate himself for this, but he's been a jerk so he actually deserves it this time :P Kinda too bad this was all over Amelia, who may as well have been a cardboard cutout for all the personality and depth her character had. And jeez, how is Don not already in jail? Dude's got some anger issues :P
SammyGirlForLife chapter 6 . 10/18/2017
Nicely done. I love Temper. I couldn't stop until I finished all six chapters.
Shadowpletlove chapter 6 . 9/12/2017
Sallyannerenee chapter 6 . 2/12/2016
Great story. I can just imagine how very guilty Dean would have felt if Sam had gotten hurt when he tricked him into going to Amelia.
Kirabaros chapter 6 . 1/1/2016
I liked this piece showing Dean he was a bit of an ass. I thought he was coming back. Plus I didn't like the Amelia arc over much so this gave me satisfaction. Thanks.
Frakking Toasters chapter 6 . 2/3/2014
I love this story, and I'm ok with you painting Amelia in a not too flattering light. I'll never understand what the writers were thinking with that entire story arc or why they had to try and make Sam look bad. Plus she had no chemistry with Sam. All the many and varied fics I've read on the subject have handled it/her way better than the show did. Not that I hated her like some did/do. Just saying...

BUT...sometimes I kinda hate Dean. Ok hate is too strong a word because I love him, too. But this constant lying to Sam and controlling and manipulating him by making decisions for him all the time! Oy Vey! Like Sam hasn't had to endure that his entire life by pretty much everyone in his life. He should be able to trust Dean implicitly. And what's worse, he doesn't even think twice about it. The fake text message that he'd planned for well in advance thinking he'd probably have to use at some stage. Like, yeah no worries, I'll manipulate my brother's emotions and pull, tangle and sever his heart strings should I need to. No biggie. Then I'll decide who he should and shouldn't have in his life because he doesn't have a say, and I won't lose any sleep over it.

So not cool Dean. So very very very not freaking cool!

Okay. Now that I've got that out of my system, did I mention how much I loved this story? And Cas to the rescue. Woot! xo
ellie.reynolds.777 chapter 6 . 11/22/2013
Oh wow! I love this story! it great and really well written and believable too :)
I love the interactions between Amelia and Dean and then Cas coming to save the day.
But you are right there are something that Sam is better not knowing... but as we seen in the past lying to each other also proves to be wrong too...but I love how these brother always come back together because they truly love one another ...hmm the dept of the love know no bonds.
Anyway great job you truly are a good creative writer hope you write many more like these
AlElizabeth chapter 6 . 7/27/2013
Good fanfic. A little heavy on Amelia though- and I can't STAND her- but I'm glad that Dean told her what's what. Thanks for sharing!
JudyH chapter 6 . 4/5/2013
Very interesting read. It brought up several "what if" points that I hadn't considered and that the writers obviously never considered either (LOL). I still wonder why the whole Amelia plotline was there in the first place, if we truly have heard the last of it. It only made Sam look selfish and self centered. I could see the events of your tale happening, and you painted the scenario very well. Good job, I liked it!
L.A.H.H chapter 6 . 4/4/2013
Interesting end and not telling Sam is totally in Dean's character. Thanks for updating
doyleshuny chapter 6 . 4/4/2013
And Sammy will totally be okay with that. Yes I'm being totally sarcastic. You know Sam will be one pissed off little brother but I guess we'll just cross that bridge when we come to it. I'm with Dean and his big brother instincts on this. Amelia is no good for Sam. I hope she stays away from him. She's bad news. Let her stay with crazy, jealous Don. This was awesome!
DeansSammy chapter 6 . 4/4/2013
sniff sad that it's over,happy that Sam is well althou Cas had to help. but who cares. really loved the story.
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