Reviews for Twas Brillig (On the Shores of Lethe)
Guest chapter 5 . 1/4/2019
ermagerd. i might be slow to realize, and didn't read the pairing listed, bUT whoo now I'M HOOKED.
excessivelyperky chapter 35 . 2/21/2016
Ha! Glad to see that some fun and games finally ensued. Snicker.

One can only hope that Snape's prodding (in one way or another) led to Sirius paying just a bit more attention to where he was standing when he was going toe to toe with Bella.
excessivelyperky chapter 34 . 2/21/2016
Ah. All of Sirius Black's questions about Sniv going around the bend would be answered the moment he met Dolores Umbridge. Once he had, he would help Snape in any kind of plan whatever that resulted in her becoming potions ingredients.

And yes, Harry is pretty hopeless when it comes to seeing what's in front of him. For all of Rowling's pairing him with Ginny, Harry is pretty sexless for a boy his age and wouldn't know a pheromone if he heard one screaming in his ear.

Glad to see that Snape is prodding Sirius into doing something useful and staying off the sauce, where the coddling of the other Order members had little effect that way.
excessivelyperky chapter 33 . 2/12/2016
Oops. Sirius finally gets a bright idea-and realize he's a big late on inventing fire. Well, better late than never, and one can hope he has another idea someday. It could happen...

And besides, letting Snape annoy him might keep him off the sauce.
excessivelyperky chapter 32 . 2/5/2016
Excellent batty narrative, with a burst of sunshine to sweeten it. Though no lemons, drops or otherwise.

And I love how Remus is staying out of it, I don't blame him a bit.

Delightful as ever, and someday Sirius will indeed fetch a clue, but I won't hold my breath...
excessivelyperky chapter 31 . 1/15/2016
Ah, someone who remembers about biting their thumb at someone (something our whole family did at the Bad Guy when we went to Medieval Times, and nobody else had any idea why we did it. Sigh).

And clearly, there has been some serious Obliviating over the years (not that Sirius needs a whole lot of help to have a leaky brain, mind you, but it obviously hasn’t helped much).

Nothing like photographs to show the truth sometimes, is there?
excessivelyperky chapter 30 . 1/14/2016
Sadly, Sirius did know about Occlumency in Harry's fifth year-in fact, he insisted that Harry make Snape give him those lessons (though it would have helped if Harry had really wanted them).

Unfortunately, some people's hair really does react that way...
excessivelyperky chapter 29 . 1/10/2016
Wow! So, they had a past beyond Sirius trying to murder him? I bet there were some Sirius Obliviates involved, as well.

Fans self vigorously.

Though Sirius might think a little harder, and realize that if Snape falls over from his wounds there aren't going to be any sweaty snugglebunnies in the near, or far future for that matter.
excessivelyperky chapter 28 . 1/8/2016
Although some of Sev's short man syndrome could easily have been on by countless persecution and attacks from both sides; he's a walking poster boy for PTSD brought on since childhood (and since he was always shorter than his da till maturity, and perhaps even then, a short man's syndrome could have been brought on by dear Tobias, too). Plus, he's around Sirius Black, a man who's tried to kill him twice and would have gotten a puppy biscuit from Albus if he'd succeeded either time.

But Sirius seems to be rather attracted here, doesn't he?
excessivelyperky chapter 27 . 1/6/2016
Another great chapter. Apparently Snape is helping support the local schools by helping the local tea shop sell fairly exotic stock (though I know someone at work who'd get a payday loan on her car for the bacon specialties).

And Sirius is ready to faint at evidence that Snape didn't actually spring forth from the Chamber of Secrets, I expect.
excessivelyperky chapter 26 . 1/5/2016
“Livia, oh Livia, oh have you met Livia, oh Livia the Que-en of Poison…” (to the tune of “Lydia the Tattooed Lady”, it’s on the Muppet’s first cast album—I think Scooter sings it).

Ahem. Another brilliant chapter (I notice the little backtrack when Sirius remembered ‘oh, yes, I did try to kill Snape twice, oops’).
excessivelyperky chapter 25 . 1/5/2016
Splendid, food-oriented chapter. But if anyone can make beer (about which I hesitate to pronounce, being American and all) decent, less addictive, and highly profitable, it’d be Snape.

Sadly, I agree about Remus and various mocha drinks. He mainlines chocolate already, and if ever someone gives him a chocolate-covered coffee bean, they have only themselves to blame.

And Sirius is right—Snape never had any respite, ever. And is barely having it right now.
excessivelyperky chapter 24 . 11/26/2015
Yes, Snape is sensitive about the drink; surprised the chapel folk didn't snap him up (or maybe they did—he was the only canon character concerned about his soul, after all). And maybe one pint of bitter will make him keel over like an upside-down canoe.

I like this version of Eileen, though; not the totally squished bug, but a ferocious hedgewitch who could go one-on-one with Granny Weatherwax (personally, I have always felt that Nanny Ogg was Molly Weasley’s grandmother).

And it is an interesting coincidence that the ‘rents died while Snape was in the old Azzy with the perfect alibi. Sadly, this smacks to me of the Daft Aulde Coote and his idea of the Greater Good (what better way to make *sure* he hates the DE crowd along with Lily’s death?).

Sirius ought to wonder why he’s never had a trial even though Albus knows he’s innocent. Surprised he hasn’t thought of going to the Ministry and demanding to be dosed with Veritaserum and have people look at his memories in a Pensieve. Or maybe he did have that idea and that’s why he was sentenced to Grimmauld Place.
excessivelyperky chapter 23 . 11/25/2015
Ah. Between trying really hard not to twit ‘Seth’ too much in case he wakes up with a slow case of agonizing death, and remembering what Regulus said about Snape, and the horrifying idea of Snape being held up as a good example (Sirius is flexible, he can easily be held up between three different things)—well, he’s holding up well. Funny how he’s torn between trying to rip Snape’s throat out and fawning at his feet, isn’t it?
excessivelyperky chapter 22 . 11/13/2015
Oh, brilliant! Snape in full rant is worth paying a ticket for (and one suspects that someone else has seen it, recognized it as well). Oh, and one thing the movies did right was to show Neville blowing stuff up in other classes, too.

Thanks for the dialectical materialism discussion there-you get full Marx for that. And yes, Snape's accent would tend to vary depending on who he was talking to, and what he was talking about.

Sirius does well simply to keep his mouth shut as much as he can hear, which shows he's not quite as suicidal as he occasionally seems.
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