Reviews for 17 Months
Loop chapter 22 . 3/4
Ragnod1004 chapter 23 . 2/27/2019
I have been enjoying this story so much! I like how you made both the boys Alphas. So many fanfics have Ichigo as a complete submissive and it always bugs me. He's strong in his own right. He's stronger than Grimmjow yet Grimm is the top in their relationship 100% of the time? I really like the relationship you've developed between them. And the bad guy is great! I hope you're still planning on finishing this story.
SaphiraFireHeart chapter 23 . 11/6/2018
This is extremely interesting and entertaining to read I hope you get back to this soon!
Guest chapter 23 . 11/3/2018
I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate the effort you put in this story! Also thank you for updating, even though that cliffhanger is killing me! Have a nice day!
Cass Ichirof chapter 23 . 10/14/2018
Love this story!
Seriously, it's great to see it back in action!
Can't wait to find out what happens next :3
Ichi sure is a magnet for trouble and Grimm ain't that far back from him xD
Hope Ichi gives Orochi his fair share of punches and kicks :D
Wish you an amazing day and I hope an update will come soon :3
Which reminds me... gotta go back to my story and update ASAP too xD xD xD
SoulMore chapter 23 . 9/28/2018
buterflypuss chapter 23 . 9/28/2018
good chap
Aoi Bara94 chapter 22 . 7/9/2017
Please come back and continue this story! the tension is killing me. I want this sadistic criminal devour by hollows. But, then again he may become a hollow himself and become the prized kill after Ichigo gets his powers back. Also, is it just me or the criminal reminds me of the Grand Fisher Hollow?
RSK1066 chapter 22 . 8/14/2016
Are there plans to continue this story?
Pretty Perverts chapter 13 . 7/18/2016
My god This was good! HOLY CRAP! i thought it was going one way but BAM totally different!
Guest chapter 22 . 5/1/2016
Please continue, i'm so attached to it, you can't stop now! It was just getting good!
Grimminette chapter 1 . 1/1/2016
Oh god I love this story ! I can’t wait the next chapter !
scarletsaber chapter 22 . 9/28/2015
I just found this the other day and devoured it! I really enjoy the dialogue you give everyone, you definitely know how to write humor well. I'm eager to see what happens next, though I know how difficult updating can be. Looking forward to more :)
Haruko92 chapter 22 . 7/14/2015
Ohhhhh. It's getting good! I freaked out when he detective mentioned the bracelets, i hope he didn't actually take them off...anyhow, I can't wait for the next update! XD
Baka Kage Usagi chapter 22 . 7/12/2015
Argh! Kill him now!
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