Reviews for The School of Camelot
Irina Hunter chapter 5 . 2/6/2018
How do you pronounce Eoin?
Pheonex305 chapter 21 . 9/20/2017
I like ure story and can't wait for the next ch. Hope to see it soon.
P. S. What if in one of the big fights, the necklaces stop working and past Arthur, uther, and morgana see their future selves. Past Morgana also sees the love between morgana and merlin and that somehow changes some things of the past. Or maybe we could also get a Morgana vs. Morgana fight. That would be totally awesome.
AndreKl chapter 21 . 11/25/2016
Hope this is not going the way Merlin has in mind. I fear he is even more obsessed now. 1) Killing everyone who could possibly stand in his way.
2) Supporting Camelot's war against magic whatever it costs.
Linorien chapter 20 . 3/27/2016
I look forward to seeing the shenanigans that will ensure now that they are back in the past. I especially liked the little peek into how powerful Merlin has gown and everyone's reactions to that. Well written.
Irisofthesky chapter 19 . 11/30/2015
Ahhhhh! My gosh do NOT end it there! This story must continue! Fabulously done, please keep going!
MugetsuPipefox chapter 19 . 9/27/2015
Dun dun dunnn! What a turn of events!
Gosh how disorientating and freaky would it be to suddenly have a future version of yourself pop up in front of you XD (Along with a couple of people who were your enemies)
Well done!
Teekalin chapter 19 . 9/20/2015
Loving this :-)
Merlin and Morgana kissed and now they are all back at Camelot. Can't wait to see what will happen next.
lunarearthrise chapter 19 . 9/20/2015
Brilliant! Looking forward to the next update!
AndreKl chapter 19 . 9/19/2015
I truly hope this is not going to become a "save Uther mission".
The Merlin of Camelot would never lift a finger to free magic, help magic people, etc. He was just sacrificing everyone and everything for Arthur (mainly because of the manipulation from Gaius and Kilgharrah).
Unfortunately up to now the older "wiser" Merlin did not show any regret or that he has learned anything from his past. Quite the contrary he might be more powerful and self-confident, but in some moments he acted even more obsessed and cruel than the Emrys of season 5 (for me he was no longer Merlin in season 5).
I don't want Morgana to be "a perfect ward". She was the one and only person, who was actually willing to change things. Therefore I like her more than Merlin, who was just sitting around and doing nothing..
Maybe the Arthur from the 21. century could give his version from Camelot a lesson to get his head out of Uther's ass.

Sorry for my direct speaking. I don't want to influence you. I just hope you will not reduce this to a simple black-and-white, good-and-evil plot as the show was. In my opinion there is only one way to end this endless circle of revenge and destruction and killing everyone, like the Merlin of seasons 5 used to do is not the solution. It was also part of the destiny to unite the old and the new ways.
Teekalin chapter 18 . 6/1/2015
I really like this story and I'm curious to see who is the mysterious player. Is it Nimueh?
Please update soon :-)
SpanishPlume chapter 18 . 3/25/2015
Best Modern fic I have read so far! You are an amazing writer.
Guest chapter 18 . 3/24/2015
Good chapter.
But I must say I dont like this ruthless part of Merlin. He always had some kind of God complex and now it is even stronger.
Im also not truly sure what to think about Morgana. She might regret her wrongs, but she should have Morganas strong will, temper and emotions.
Arthur and everyone in Camelot committed several crimes (e.g. massacres) against magic people and Morgana was the only person who tried to stop it; Gaius betrayed and drugged her all the time; Merlin betrayed her several times and tried to kill her first - she is not the only one who needs redemption.
mersan123 chapter 18 . 3/24/2015
Thanks, great to see the story back!
MugetsuPipefox chapter 17 . 10/25/2014
Loved the passing comment about the 90s XD omg
Save Morgana!
Well done!
Guest chapter 17 . 10/22/2014
I don't know what to think about Merlin. On the one hand he is so filled with bitterness and cruelity. He had already a dark and cold side in Camelot when it comes to protect Arthur. But now I wouldn't be surprised when he would kill more people or make them insane (I really hope he will heal Vivian at the end).
On the other end, when it comes to Morgana he realized that there are many ways of destiny and that it is caused by actons and choices.

I hope Morgana will help him to overcome this obsessed cruel Merlin.
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