Reviews for Nya! Pretty Cure
Cure Fire chapter 4 . 7/27/2017
I am obsessed as well. I listen the music all the time.
Randomipad chapter 1 . 12/11/2014
Shugo chara. It totally reminds me of shugo chara
Cure Chronicle chapter 29 . 8/10/2014
Komichwia! I just wanted to say that you are a really talented writer and I REALLY REALLY EEALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hope you continue. Actually I am 12 too. And I'm dirty minded. And I am a freaking fangirl that does nothing except watch/write/read precure. I just want to say. KEEP UP YOUR AWESOMENESS! I don't really Like fan made Precures but this one is like THE BEST THING EVER and I like it because it has everything I need; Romance, Tradegy, Action, Magical Girl, etc... GOMME FOR THIS LONG ASS PARAGRAPH Just saying I LOVE YOUR WORK SO KEEP GOING!
Your Best Fan chapter 10 . 8/10/2014
Where is Issho Ni! Pretty Cure! I couldn't find it
Nat-the-Liar chapter 29 . 5/13/2014
Hey, that's okay, totally chill! There's no right or wrong in choosing who you love! After all, love will forever be love no matter what the shape or size it is! In fact, openly admitting it might actually take some of the weight off your shoulders, and that's a good thing!
Also, I wish for good luck to the both of you! Go get'em! ;D
LilySpade chapter 29 . 5/12/2014
I don't hate you for being lesbian in fact I have no problems with homosexuals. If someone hates you for being lesbian then let them get fucked six ways to hell with a rusty fork (bloodthirsty side coming out) but seriously I will not judge you for being straight,gay or lesbian. God made you the you are and your perfect the way you are. Peace out.
Ariana McLean chapter 13 . 3/7/2014
Juicy Tulip has the same birthday as me. -_-

Hehehe not really a review...
True Lonely Royalty chapter 28 . 2/9/2014
O.O! Wait does this make Nanami a neutral Cure?
Nat-the-Liar chapter 26 . 2/6/2014
...My apologies, for I had accidentally tapped the 'post review ' button by mistake mid-way typing. (I hate my phone so much...)

...Well, whatever! I'll(we?) be looking forward to the next season of the series *Grins* (Gosh, I really hope that there's a grinning emoticon)
Nat-the-Liar chapter 27 . 2/6/2014
My grin is gradually spreading across my face as I read on. I like Nanami's personality in this chapter. She sounds cool!

Also, madness, insanity...? *Grins creepily/is then slapped across the head harshly* GAH!

*cough cough* *Ahem* A-Anyway, the whole season is enjoyable to read (well, except for a certain scene that I was not really used to (./.) Sorry, sorry...!). Plus, it's hilariously crazy, and I often found myself chuckling (which won't usually happen when I read Pretty Cure stories...well, save for you and two other Precure(etc) writers)
LilySpade chapter 26 . 2/4/2014
Does your secret have something to do with your story stardust precure? Yay blood and violence!
Nat-the-Liar chapter 25 . 1/10/2014
...You've finally reverted back to the normal Nanami-san. *closes eyes and sighs silently in relieve* Truth to be told, I like this innocent side of you more. Keep up the work so far. ;D
(I was going to say more, actually, but because I want to avoid saying anything that might offend people - due to the fact that I don't really know my way with words - I'll stop here. ;)
True Lonely Royalty chapter 26 . 12/31/2013
Sugoi! Poor Blade-chan!
Hashimoto Akira chapter 25 . 11/5/2013
Oh my god. I'm speechless. How did Nanami get the pills past her parents? That's what I'm wondering.
Rin chapter 25 . 11/5/2013
I am just going to take a wild guess and say this is rated at least M? But anyway, GO AMVIA! You just got ¥2000!
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