Reviews for Everybody's darling
Sulina chapter 5 . 6/29
I love this version of Prim and Effie and I think this will be a great fic to read.
TheFlyingHairPin chapter 1 . 5/27
I cannot count the number of times I reread this Fanfic. This is definitely one of the best Hunger Games ones out there.
Chloe chapter 34 . 5/5
Your authors notes are actually hilarious I laughed so hard over the Threshface babies one.
Chloe chapter 4 . 5/5
I actually really like your Effie! I agree with you, that there is more to her.
AquaEclipse chapter 49 . 4/18
I guess they got the Star-Crossed Lovers ending in this AU. It's honestly tragic.
Guest chapter 5 . 3/30
This Story is AWESOME so far! Keep it up.
Priestess of Groove chapter 13 . 3/25
This is very interesting so far. I like the idea of Prim actually having to go to the games instead of being rescued. I'm curious to see how the games change here. Good job.
Guest chapter 53 . 3/16
This is a heart wrenching story. I love how original it is and how humanizing it is. The characters are well developed and beautiful.
Guest chapter 37 . 8/27/2019
Not Rue again...
Guest chapter 2 . 8/27/2019
I know that she gets reaped every time I read this, but it still hits me hard. Good writing.
Guest chapter 50 . 5/23/2019
Prim is so innocent and yet so tainted. She killed nobody, and was forced to watch countless atrocities, including a boy forced to kill himself by the game makers. I hate you, and yet I love you, for the beautiful, horrible story.
Guest chapter 37 . 5/23/2019
Rue died again. I knew it was coming, but it still stung.

It's weird, because the character I attached to the most was Rue. Rue was always the representation of those targeted by the Games. She was innocent, good, and pure all the way until the very end, and yet her innocence had been tainted by the Games, as she killed, and at the end that pureness being killed really represents the games. Poor, sweet, loved Rue. Rue was the only one that was genuinely morned by all.

Rue's name itself has a kind of foreboding, bitter regret, and that feeling stays with Katniss in the original series.

Rue felt to me like Prim, but Rue had nobody to volunteer for her. Rue was more developed as a character, I felt, at least in the first novel, than Prim.
Guest chapter 10 . 5/23/2019
I loved this. It helps showcase Prim's undoubtedly extensive medical knowledge, a skill that would be invaluable in the Games, and her ability to deal quick, effective strikes.
Wagasani chapter 30 . 5/8/2019
I've gotten to the point where I can't read the authors note. It's always "My babies this" and "Sweet Cato that."
Lila Dunmare chapter 53 . 10/31/2018
one of the best fanfiction ever ! Absolutely amazing. Made me both laugh and cry
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