Reviews for In the Shadows of Utopia
Guest chapter 18 . 8/2/2019
Bitter. But then again I like dark chocolate. No, while the inconsistencies that serve as foreshadowing are mostly well thought out it's quite the wrong medium for such subtleties. It needed more air or something if it maintained the same sort of subtleties, or more obvious (sin of sins, YES I'm suggesting doing something that in other writing contexts would be called clumsy and ham-handed.) especially involving the subject more generally. The end of the penultimate reads like her deliberately undermining things, of which the proximate cause is clearly sentiment, but it could have had some sort of leitmotif stemming from, just as an example, hearing Faris' description of the experiences and just as a seeming aside have her imagine multiple hypotheticals of the experience both to give the reader the characterization of her being ridiculously brilliant, but have those theories pop up as her attachment to the various labmems grows or someone.

To be clear, I'm not doubting the foreshadowing, which in any other medium would have served very well, especially the bit involving escaping, just that this medium of fanfiction simply doesn't suit it. I actually realized after reading the authors note at the end that I already read this, but it was a long time ago and I forgot. Even going in about as blind as one can while having technically already read something I did catch the battery sabotage, but literally everything else sailed way over my head.

That's not fair. On its merits it's quite good, though again, quite a bitter experience and as such likely not to some tastes. It's just if I got handed a bar of chocolate and knew only of milk chocolate I might spit it out in disgust.
Lala2597 chapter 1 . 6/27/2018
A gripping story from start to finish! The inner psyche of the various characters from steins gate was well explored and their physical descriptions was exhilarating as well (Ruka with a blade!) Though I was really reading through every chapter hoping they'd find salvation.. any chance for a sequel to this? (: Where preferably there isn't any more painful infighting...The last chapter could have had more explanations on the sequence of events though...not too sure what happened to Daru and Okabe but to surmise their machine worked...
Walter chapter 18 . 6/4/2018
Thay was magnificent !
Draconic chapter 1 . 5/6/2018
Question before I start reading, does this fic have S;G 0 spoilers?
romeosami7 chapter 17 . 1/6/2017
this is epic. this is brilliant.
romeosami7 chapter 18 . 12/28/2016
TheMysteries chapter 18 . 12/18/2016
Interesting take on the backstory Suzuha introduced in the anime! It was pretty interesting to read! Its too bad most people haven't been able to read to the end though.. Probably the best Steins Gate fanfic I've seen yet! Keep up the good work!
birdcartographer chapter 1 . 9/16/2016
Wow, what an opening chapter! You seriously have a way with descriptive language; I'm super jealous of the images your words are able to evoke. Introducing the state of the world from Kurisu's perspective in this tense situation works really well here, from the way her environment has shaped her, to her fear and distrust of Okabe. Her apprehension was easy to believe in due to how you set things up.

There were a couple of odd writing glitches here and there, the only one of which that really tripped me up was the part where she bites Okabe's finger. I reread the description of what exactly he was doing with his hands before she bites him, a couple times, and still couldn't entirely make sense of what was going on there.

Anyway, amazing start. I'll definitely be reading more of this, but wanted to pause and leave a review while these thoughts were fresh in my mind!
It's simply me chapter 1 . 8/27/2016
Okay so I am VERY intrigued. Really well written, and quite engaging as well, as far as first chapters go. I only hope the rest of the stoey continues likewise
RandomReview chapter 18 . 2/10/2016
Enjoyed the story but I have some issues with how the attraction between Kurisu and Okabe felt rather contrived. At the very least the bond between them shouldn't have been enough to pass the litmus test after Daru tells Okabe what happened in the forest. Regardless of all the positive contributions she made to the Future Gadget Lab, she has proven herself a traitorous element and I am astounded how she was still allowed autonomy without supervision. I was not able to suspend my disbelief in that regard and it had a detrimental impact on my overall enjoyment of the story.

Other than that it was a great read and I enjoyed the little tidbits you added that showed attention to detail. Looking forward to the sequel.
V4voracious chapter 18 . 1/15/2016
Excellent story. Love the more realistic way things would've gone. Looking forward to the sequel.
Sorathez chapter 8 . 1/5/2016
Did... did you just use the Code Geass Zero costume...?

Love it. Good work.
Sorathez chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
Good start!
Have to say I laughed really hard at the summary. Something about Okabe's delusions being real was just hilarious.

Will read on, expect the rest to be as good as this!
Akal chapter 18 . 12/25/2015
Thank You, after all this time I never hope to se the ending, so thank you so much, for your hard work and the great time and happiness it deliver.
I'm delighted to see the ending and I hope it's not only me.
Merry Crhistmas and happy new year.
YusukeBestBro chapter 15 . 8/13/2015
Oh my god, please Deus, if you are out there, if you can hear me, if you are still alive, you need to post the final chapter. The Organization, they'll win if we don't get that chapter soon. We need you Deus

El. Psy. Congroo.

In all seriousness though, I've read through this in the past week, and it has been an amazing take on Steins;Gate. I would stay up so late to read more and more, but that cliffhanger is too much. I started reading this knowing it hadn't been updated in over year, so I hoped it could be finished, but to be so close to the end and to not be finished is saddening ;(. Please, upload the final chapter
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