Reviews for A Different Kind of Quest
TortoisetheStoryteller chapter 3 . 4/12/2014
Ha! Did you ever write a scene where Frodo received said pen and inkwell set?
MuggleCreator chapter 3 . 1/6/2014
Oh, the joys of manipulative, well-meaning cousins and friends!
A lovely little fic. Do we get to see the reactions at any stage?
marchofthemadhare chapter 3 . 2/18/2013
Oh, this was wonderful! I really loved the way you described the gifts and how Merry and Pippin donated the toys. Are you planning a sequel where their families get their gifts?
seafarer chapter 3 . 2/16/2013
I must admit, I like a good shopping spree and would love to go on one at a market like this. The descriptions were exquisite. I wish that you'd write a story about what happened when Merry and Pip gave Frodo the ink set.
Laura Andrews chapter 3 . 2/16/2013
Very good ending to a lovely little story :D It's so refreshing to see stories that focus on the Hobbits instead of the 'hotties', romance, and silly drivel that permeates most LotR stories. Thank you!
Also, what is the package that Frodo is stowing away in the epilogue? Is it something in particular?
Oh, and sometime soon I'm going to get around to your Eucatastrophe stories. I think that's a really good idea, and I'm wondering if Frodo ends up getting married in your AU 'verse? I've always felt bad for Frodo because he seems so lonely at the end of LotR. Of course he has Sam, Pippin, and Merry for friends, but Sam gets married and Pippin and Merry aren't around all the time, and no one else in the Shire even knows what he did. I would love to see him happily married (with children :D ).
androidilenya chapter 3 . 2/16/2013
Accidentally buying the whole shop, lol. But at least the dolls were put to good use.
Pippin and Merry's plans to get Frodo and Sam to accept a stipend were great. I love how confused Sam was getting. And all those pieces of jewelry sounded so pretty.
On a side note, I want a hobbit-doll...
Great story!
androidilenya chapter 2 . 2/16/2013
Gimli makes me laugh. I can just imagine the expression on his face as he's forced to try to get the shopkeepers to actually accept money for the hobbits' purchases.
Merry and Pippin picking out gifts for all their family members... that's just adorable. And so thoughtful of them.
androidilenya chapter 1 . 2/16/2013
Trust Legolas and Gimli to find a way to cheer up a couple of homesick hobbits. And a spyglass, huh? That was a cute little story. Merry's father reacted surprisingly well to the fact that such an old, valuable family object got broken by a little hobbit.
I love the title. A 'different kind of quest' indeed. And a much more light-hearted, non-dangerous one, to be sure.
Laura Andrews chapter 2 . 2/14/2013
Ah, Gimli. He's such a funny guy ;D
I agree with the Hobbits that a gift should not be free; those merchants should know better! I enjoyed this chapter. Post the next one soon!
Oh, one thing: are you sure that a Hobbit lady would only be as big as a seven year old girl? For some reason that just seems TOO small to me.
Laura Andrews chapter 1 . 2/13/2013
Oh, you must post more soon! I think this is my favorite of your stories that I've read so far. I love all the backstory (and the genealogies!) that you give and everyone is in character, and you really do a good job of making Merry and Pippin different from each other, but still hobbits; and it's just a fun story :D