Reviews for Tracking the Dawn
Wolvie26 chapter 16 . 6/26
Love it!
NazaKaos chapter 16 . 3/1
Awwww that ending was sooo sweet and the whole stroy was soo surprising but in an amazing way! Thank you so very much for writing this story.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 16 . 8/29/2019
Who woulda thought I’d like a James/Bella? Lmao. I’m so used to James being the bad guy and that sadistic prick from canon that seeing this sweet side was refreshing.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 15 . 8/29/2019
Gals to see Esme won’t be too sad when Carlisle is dead. Now that’s more like the Jasper I love. The fandom have done so well in giving him back his balls. Lmao
ObsidianDraconis chapter 14 . 8/29/2019
Aro has to have figured a way around Alice’s visions, otherwise she would have seen Laurent and Victoria. It sucks they’re gone and I’m sure Bella and James will get the revenge for it soon, not just on Jane and Alec either. But he’s right, why were they returning?
ObsidianDraconis chapter 13 . 8/29/2019
Jasper just loves pushing those buttons. Lmao. So what stopped them? I have a feeling it’s the bitch twins. Glad Caius understands what will be necessary and will allow them to do it. Jane and Alec won’t know what hit them
ObsidianDraconis chapter 12 . 8/29/2019
Dumb dumb dumb Aro. Welp, looks like Bella’s gonna get her vengeance after all.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 11 . 8/29/2019
Well at least now we know the Denali aren’t going to be an issue. It’s just Carlisle and Rose I’m worried about now, and of course Aro and his minions.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 10 . 8/29/2019
Bella needs to be careful about her desire for vengeance. She could piss them off and end up getting her whole coven in trouble. Caius and Marcus May take exception to losing Jane and Alec as much as Aro will. Kinda dumb of him to send the three idiots with them, I think Aro is looking for trouble. He’ll find it if he pushes and not in a good way. I worry for Esme and Emmett, they didn’t know what Edward was doing and they didn’t try to stop James when it became clear who Bella truly belonged to. I wouldn’t want them hurt or punished for something they didn’t do.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 9 . 8/29/2019
I’m with Bella, their history is cool as hell. Nice little twist there. Same with the senate and ruling bodies in their parts of the world. It damn near illuminates all desire to rebel because each group rules their own part of the world and only answers to the Volturi when needed. I do feel like there’s going to be two opponents to this, Aro naturally, and Carlisle. And I have a feeling he’s gonna have Rose on his side. I don’t think Esme or Emmett will be though. This may just shake some things up in the Cullen coven, perhaps even the Denali if Carlisle has managed to turn any of them against James and the others? I’m looking at you Tanya! Lmao
ObsidianDraconis chapter 8 . 8/28/2019
So Aro just tried on his little tricks and was thwarted. Seems Bella’s gift saved the day, don’t hurt her family. God I love it when we see that strong Jasper, god of war, badass mother. Lmao. Poor Jane *she says in her most sarcastic of tones*
ObsidianDraconis chapter 7 . 8/28/2019
Well shit. Lmao. I’d be freaked out too, that any part of Edward was still around.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 6 . 8/28/2019
Ha! I was right, she’s related to them. Jasper and Peter as true brothers is a nice twist. I can see it. I do wonder who the former friend that turned them in is and if they’re dead as they should be. Lol
ObsidianDraconis chapter 5 . 8/28/2019
Hmmmmm, I wonder if she’s related to Jasper or Peter in some way?
ObsidianDraconis chapter 4 . 8/28/2019
So he’s older than Jasper, technically. But how is it that Edward wasn’t biting her but she has venom scars? How else was he opening up her arm and leaving scars clearly caused by the same thing as James’ bite in canon? I’m just curious how it worked is all. I knew Carlisle was gonna try something dumb. And if I was them, I would still say Edward broke the treaty by feeding from Bella and thralling her, just to get them the fuck out of Forks.
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