Reviews for The Girl Next Door
Guest chapter 6 . 5/23
TinaF chapter 6 . 5/19/2017
Great story! Thank you for sharing.
fuckinvi chapter 1 . 10/24/2016
bitch im wet and bothered. Butch bella is something I never new i needed so much until not
mnmpowers chapter 6 . 10/10/2014
"You only get to be Queen for one night. I can be your princess forevever." THat is literally the cutest line I have ever read. I actually stopped and went, "awwww"
Guest chapter 1 . 5/5/2014
Totally thought it was Bella in the first few paragraphs. Nice read.
katvrah chapter 6 . 4/29/2014
Turns out I love your other stories too and not only the BDSM ones . I am gonna go and read them all .
UnguidedLight chapter 6 . 9/21/2013
Awesome :)
Vixenu chapter 6 . 6/23/2013
Please please please more more more :D
lilce1992 chapter 6 . 5/22/2013
Butch Bella will be missed
Toxxo chapter 6 . 5/14/2013
Noo! I can't belive that is the end (
Good story congratulations
samaramorgane chapter 6 . 5/13/2013
THAT STORIE WAS GOOD! :D I say it again!
FOREVERnLOVE36 chapter 6 . 5/11/2013
thanks for the story...
jm1708 chapter 6 . 5/10/2013
I wish you had an idea of how happy you make me with your stories. Is a way to live the life I wish I could have but I can't. Maybe tha's way I'm waiting for you to finish Four Hearts to read it, I know I'll cry since the first chapter to the last. But back to this story, I think there is nothing wrong about being a butch, the love Bella has for this Alice is the sweetest of all, and I loved it! I'm more like Alice in this story, so I guess that's way I fell for Bella so much.
Take care, thank you again, hugs
Vampgirl79 chapter 6 . 5/10/2013
Hey my sweet girl,

First of all I have to say I was surprised to see you ended the story, *sniffs* I wasn't expecting that. But, as they all all good things must come to an end. And I absolutely adored this entire story from the beginning to the very end! This chapter alone is the reason why I fell in love with these girls ;) I LOVED the ending, the entire chapter it was just perfect :) Alright, now on to my review... oh I cant stand Alice's mom. I so agree with Bella, she is such a homophobic and such a judgmental, ignorant bitch. I don't blame Bella for wanting to punch that woman in the face, lol. I was egging her on to. But that would have upset Alice and that wouldn't have turned out well. I thought it was great how Bella played it all cool with Mrs. Brandon's snide remarks and wouldn't let it show that she got to her. Good for you Bella! Oh and how sweet of Bella to buy violets to go with Alice's dress, perfect choice. I just adored Bella in this story, she was such a cool, sweet, sexy and romantic chick. Oh and badass too! I can see why Alice fell hard for her i would have too ;) Oh speaking of Alice I love the description you wrote about how she looked, she sounded breathtaking. And then Bella admitted in her thoughts how she was in love with her, *squeals*! That made me oh so happy ;)

Now onto to Prom, lmao at Jessica and Lauren for arriving in the same dress. Too funny, I burst out laughing at that! Serves them right stupid bitches. Oh and thats great Ang went with Ben, about time they got together! And I thought it was so sweet that even though Bella didn't care for prom and the whole dancing thing she did it for Alice. Thats love right there, what a great girlfriend Bella is. I cant believe Alice wanted to kiss Bella in front of everyone, I am glad that Alice didnt care and they just went for it. But i had a feeling that bitch Lauren was going to start something. God she is such a dumbass, miserable human being! *shakes head* I loved how Alice stood up to Lauren, that was freaking amazing. I cheered her on the entire time. I was surprised Bella kept a hold of herself because if it were me I would have beat the crap out of Lauren. Then again she isnt worth getting into trouble for. But this here was my fav line that Alice said to Lauren, "I tell you what I know. The dress you are wearing is an entire size too small for your ass. Oh, and just for your information; pink looks better on brunettes than on blondes." That was perfect, lmao. Go Alice! Moving on to the bathroom scene, holy crap girl that was extremely sexy and hot! Jesus, I admit I got um very aroused just reading that, *blush* I love how Bella wore the dildo and how she went down on Alice. Got you described that so perfectly, to every little detail, so sexy! Then when Alice sucked off on the dildo, so so hot! I really enjoyed that lemony goodness ;) Of course Jessica was prom queen no surprise there, *snorts* I thought it was so cute how Bella picked up Alice and carried her all the way to the parking lot :) I mean those heels sounded uncomfy for sure. I am not a heels girl at all. I prefer flats always. I love comfy shoes, haa.

Oh and I had the biggest grin on my face when Bella finally told Alice she loved her and when Alice asked to hear it from her again and again. That was the sweetest part, *sigh* These two are just so lovely together. They are very good for each other and in my mind I see them for sure living happily ever after ;) Haa, too cute also when Alice told Bella she would leave the window open for her. Its a shame they of course cant spend the night at each others houses. But hey the sneaking around thing is so much more fun anyway! I enjoyed Charlie and Bella's talk in the kitchen. Charlie is a great dad and Im so glad hes supportive of whatever Bella wants and who she wants to be with. This line here I thought was perfect, "I'm not a lesbian because you and Mom fucked up. This is just me. I can't be any other way." Damn right Bella! Oh and lastly the very last line of this wonderful chapter made me smile too, "That's one of the many advantages falling in love with the girl next door brings with it…" Simply perfect, ending the story just right! I really will always heart this story its one of my fav by you. Then again I love each story of yours that I have read. You are a gifted writer bb! I hope to continue to reading your work for along time to come. Your way with words is beautiful! Thanks so much for writing this for us. I will miss it :( Ttys sweety, Love ya xoxoxo
Guest chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
A few things;

1) I noticed your quote from 'But, Im a Cheerleader' - Bella quoted almost word for word Grahams quote from the movie

2) Im getting a serious vibe that you've also seen 'The Extradinary Adventure of two girls in love' as the interaction between Bella and Alice is very similar to the way the two girls act in the there is the similar theme of butch/femme? In the stories.

3) I'm very similar to Bella in that I only wear masculine clothing (I'm a girl)...although when I was in highschool no one knew my orientation, now that Im graduating college only 2 people actually know im gay - an uncle and a friend of mine - both times I told the person I was drunk
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